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Urgent for thinking - [families] transfer front desk sales data import problems - looking for famili


Families, the receptionist ERP - offline system - can interact online synchronous data to the background

When I was in the data in table xf_transdata, xf_txmsg copy a few lines of sales data tested in field, the sales data for simulation,

Results: in the front desk, according to the red box to display properly, blue didn't take effect, and also no inventory calculation,

Prerequisites: 1. The other is not allowed to open interface
2. The other party does not provide background services
3. I think the only solution is in front of offline database do the plan, or a great god has other options,

Requirements: I want to put the regent's sales of imported into the front desk in the ERP, have complete access to the ritz sales orders, and write to the front desk sales formatting rules, but the can't achieve real operation simulation sales data ,
Questions: 1. If the written sales synchronization to preach the background
2. To calculate inventory,

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