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Consult showed large amounts of data


Want to be a lottery analysis software, want to ask, in order to realize the this effect, use what controls?
(note that need to be able to achieve when bile yards with the lottery number at the same time, the color of the bile code automatically highlighted)

CodePudding user response:

Only need one can change the background color of the grid control unit grid
This is basically a variety of the basic functions of the grid

CodePudding user response:

To "automatic" is impossible, however, is his "with code logic",
Certainly not fully automatic transformation "background color" controls to use you,

You this in addition to use a "form controls," a ListView control (set to "report" style), with a PictureBox custom painting, all is ok,

CodePudding user response:

//request 1: from give out of six different set of Numbers, from each group choose a number, and finally form a six digital array, 
//list of all the array
//at the same time, eliminate all is even, all for the odd number of arrays,
//out of four Numbers increasing continuous (such as 8,9,10,11) array,
//is as follows:
//the first number from the 12 Numbers:, 1,3,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
//the second number from the 17 of figures:, 8,7,5,9,6,4,11,10,12,13,3,14,17,2,16,15,18
//the third number from the 21 of figures:, 13,10,15,16,18,11,14,12,7,19,21,17,8,22,9,20,6,23,5,24,25
//the fourth Numbers from the 20 selected:, 22,23,18,20,16,17,15,21,14,26,19,24,27,25,12,13,11,10,28,29
//the fifth Numbers from the 19 selected:, 26,25,27,29,30,28,23,24,20,22,19,31,21,17,18,32,13,15,16
//6 Numbers selected: from the Numbers of the 14, 32,33,30,31,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,18,21
//require 2:
//please enter the first number range of options: (several Spaces can manually enter any interval number, up to 30)
//please enter the second number range of options: (several Spaces can manually enter any interval number, up to 30)
//please enter the number 3 options: (several Spaces can manually enter any interval number, up to 30)
//please enter the fourth number range of options: you can manually enter any several space interval number, up to 30)
//please enter the fifth number range of options: (several Spaces can manually enter any interval number, up to 30)
//please enter the number range of options: (6 can manually enter any several space interval number, up to 30)
//then press enter, the output to the cp. TXT
//require 3:
//that has a different number of the same set of data,
//, for example, the first number is 6, the second number or any other number can't again for 6; The second number 10, the third number or other can't again for 10, and so on...
//require 4:
//add a condition: produced in each of the array A1A2A3A4A5A6, requires A1 & lt; A2 & lt; A3 & lt; A4 & lt; A5 & lt; A6
Int v [6];
Int n [6]=,17,21,20,19,14 {12};
Int d [6] [30]={
,3,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 {1},
,7,5,9,6,4,11,10,12,13,3,14,17,2,16,15,18 {8},
13,10,15,16,18,11,14,12,7,19,21,17,8,22,9,20,6,23,5,24,25 {},
22,23,18,20,16,17,15,21,14,26,19,24,27,25,12,13,11,10,28,29 {},
26,25,27,29,30,28,23,24,20,22,19,31,21,17,18,32,13,15,16 {},
Int I, j, i0, i1, i2, i3, i2, i5, s;
Char ln [100], * t;
The FILE * f;
Int main () {
for (i=0; i<6; I++) {
Printf (" please enter the range of options: % d number for ", I + 1);
The fgets (ln, 100, stdin);
T=strtok (ln, "");
While (1) {
If (NULL==t) break;
If (0==t [0]) continue;//jump out of an empty string when multiple Spaces between
D [I] [j]=atoi (t);
If (j>=30) break;
T=strtok (NULL, "");
N [I]=j;
F=fopen (" cp. TXT ", "w");
If (NULL==f) {
Printf (" can't generate cp. TXT! \n");
return 1;
Printf (" is being generated cp. TXT... ");
For (i0=0; I0 & lt; N [0]; I0 {+ +)
For (i1=0; I1 & lt; N [1]. {i1 + +)
For (i2=0; I2 & lt; N [2]. I2 + +) {
For (i3=0; I3 & lt; N [3]. I3 + +) {
For (i2=0; I4 & lt; N [4]; I2 + +) {
For (i5=0; I5 & lt; N [5]; I5 + +) {
V [0]=d [0] [i0];
V [1] [1]=d (i1);
V [2]=d [2] [i2];
V [3] [3]=d/i3.
V [4]=d [4] [i2];
V [5]=d [5] [i5];
If (0==(v [0] % 2)
& & [1] % 2 0==(v)
& & [2] % 2 0==(v)
& & [3] % 2 0==(v)
& & [4] % 2 0==(v)
& & 0==[5] % 2) (v) continue;//to exclude all is even
If (1==(v [0] % 2)
& & 1==[1] % 2 (v)
& & 1==[2] % 2 (v)
& & 1==[3] % 2 (v)
& & 1==[4] % 2 (v)
& & 1==[5] % 2) (v) continue; With odd//eliminate all
for (i=0; i<5; I++) {
For (j=I + 1; J<6; J++) {
If (v [I] [j]==v) goto NEXT;//that the same set of data are not the same number of
If (i> {
=5)for (i=0; i<5; I++) for (j=I + 1; J<6; J++) if (v [I] & gt; V [j]) {s=v [I]; V=v [I] [j]; V [j]=s; }//smallest
If ([0] (v + 1==v [1]
& & V + 1==v [1] [2]
& & V + 1==v [2] [3])
| | (n + 1==v [1] [2]
& & V + 1==v [2] [3]
& & V + 1==v [3] [4])
| | (n + 1==v [2] [3]
& & V + 1==v [3] [4]
& & V [4] [5] + 1==v)) continue;//out of four Numbers increasing continuous
Fprintf (f "% % % 2 d, 2 d, 2 d, 2 d %, % 2 d % 2 d \ n", v [0], v [1], v [2], v [3], v [4], v [5]);
The fclose (f);
Printf (" \ n generated cp. TXT finished \ n ");
return 0;
//if the file in. TXT for the content of the
//1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
//7 8 9 10 6 4 11 12 13 14 3 2 16 17 18
//13, 15, 16 18 November 14 12 July 19 and 17 August 22 September 20 June 23 24 25 5
//22 23 16 17 18 to 20 15 21 and 26 19 24 and 25 12 13 11 October 28, 29
//26 28 23 24 25 and 29 30 20 22 and 31 21 32 13 15 16 17 18
//30 31 32 33 27 and 28 26 23 24 25 22 18 21
//can enter commands inside the CMD window
//cp & lt; In the. TXT
//get request 1
the corresponding results//BTW: must I sixty percent! Hey hey! (^=^)
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