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Why use SetWindowRgn function after the window style changed?


Don't use SetWindowRgn function:

After already use SetWindowRgn function:

Can see out the window style has changed a lot, border becomes particularly coarse, style also becomes a classical Windows style, the key is I also found that the size of the window changes a little bit, is this why? Is there any way to avoid it?

The code is as follows:
HWnd2=CreateWindowExW (0, szWindowClass, szTitle, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 100, 100, 500, 500, nullptr, nullptr, hInstance, nullptr);

HRgn=CreateRoundRectRgn (0, 0, 500, 500, 50, 50);
SetWindowRgn (hWnd2 hRgn, FALSE);
The CloseHandle (hRgn);

ShowWindow (hWnd2, nCmdShow);
UpdateWindow (hWnd2);

CodePudding user response:

After a successful call to SetWindowRgn, the operating system owns the region specified by the region handle hRgn. The operating system does not make a copy of the region, so do not make any further function calls with this region handle, and do not close this region handle.

CodePudding user response:

Void CTransDlgDlg: : OnButton1 ()
//TODO: Add your the control notification handler code here
The static BOOL sw=FALSE;
if(! Sw)
CRect rcWin;
GetWindowRect (& amp; RcWin);
CRect rcClt;
GetClientRect (& amp; RcClt);
//rcClt. DeflateRect (20, 20);
The ClientToScreen (rcClt);
RcClt. OffsetRect (- rcWin. Left - rcWin. Top);
Int offX=rcClt. Left;
Int offY=rcClt. Top;
RcWin. OffsetRect (- rcWin. Left - rcWin. Top);
TMP. CreateRectRgnIndirect (& amp; RcClt);
//client - CTRLS
RgnSubtractCtrls (TMP, offX offY);
RGN. CreateRectRgnIndirect (& amp; RcWin);
Rgn.Com bineRgn (& amp; RGN, & amp; TMP, RGN_DIFF);
DeleteObject (TMP);
SetWindowRgn (RGN, TRUE);
M_Trans. SetWindowText (" opaque ");
The else
SetWindowRgn (0, TRUE);
M_Trans. SetWindowText (" transparent ");

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor schlafenhamster response:
After a successful call to SetWindowRgn, the operating system owns the region specified by the region handle hRgn. The operating system does not make a copy of the region, so do not make any further function calls with this region handle, and do not close this region handle.

I commented out the CloseHandle is the same

CodePudding user response:

Refer to
Void CAboutDlg: : OnOK ()
//TODO: Add extra validation here
Int R=50;//2 r=100
HRGN HRGN=CreateRoundRectRgn (0, 0, 460, 200, R, R);
MoveWindow (CRect (100, 100, 460 + 2 * R, 200 + 2 * R), TRUE);// window 2 r!!!!!!
SetWindowRgn (hRgn, TRUE);//
//CDialog: : OnOK ();
Note that the window size and RGN size

CodePudding user response:

Aero theme caused?

CodePudding user response:

Settings window area will disable visual style

Can do partial transparency in UpdateLayeredWindow, reference https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/ms997507 (v=MSDN. 10)
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