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Persistent Storage in EKS failing to provision volume


I followed the steps from AWS knowledge base to create persistent storage: Use persistent storage in Amazon EKS

Unfortunately, PersistentVolume(PV) wasn't created:

kubectl get pv
No resources found

When I checked the PVC logs, I'm getting the following provisioning failed message:

storageclass.storage.k8s.io "ebs-sc" not found

failed to provision volume with StorageClass "ebs-sc": rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded

I'm using Kubernetes v1.21.2-eks-0389ca3

CodePudding user response:

Уour question has already been asked several times and it remained unanswered.

E.g. here: SweetOps #kubernetes for March, 2020

Or here (need login to AWS console): AWS Developer Forums: PVC are in Pending state that are ...

The source code is here

    opComplete := util.OperationCompleteHook(plugin.GetPluginName(), "volume_provision")
    volume, err = provisioner.Provision(selectedNode, allowedTopologies)
    opComplete(volumetypes.CompleteFuncParam{Err: &err})
    if err != nil {
        // Other places of failure have nothing to do with VolumeScheduling,
        // so just let controller retry in the next sync. We'll only call func
        // rescheduleProvisioning here when the underlying provisioning actually failed.

        strerr := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to provision volume with StorageClass %q: %v", storageClass.Name, err)
        klog.V(2).Infof("failed to provision volume for claim %q with StorageClass %q: %v", claimToClaimKey(claim), storageClass.Name, err)
        ctrl.eventRecorder.Event(claim, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.ProvisioningFailed, strerr)
        return pluginName, err

But there is a solution in another repo, /kubernetes-sigs/aws-ebs-csi-driver

the issue was resolved after fixing a misconfigured CNI setup, which prevented inter-node-communication and thus a provisioning of storage never got triggered.

We have not tried upgrading our current working cluster (v1.15.x) to any newer versions, but we can confirm that mounting volumes and provisioning storage works on v1.17.x when starting from scratch (aka. building a new test-cluster in our case).

we are using the specs provided above by @gini-schorsch - but since opening this issue we also moved to the external AWS cloud-controller-manager (aka. aws-cloud-controller-manager)

we have been using the provided IAM profiles for both components (CSI and CCM) and cut them down to the use-cases we require for our operations and did not see any problems with that so far.

So, check you connectivity. And maybe @muni-kumar-gundu is right. And then you may want to check AZ's of your nodes.

CodePudding user response:

storageclass.storage.k8s.io "ebs-sc" not found

failed to provision volume with StorageClass "ebs-sc"

You need to create the storage class "ebs-sc" after EBS CSI driver is installed, example:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: ebs-sc
provisioner: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs
  type: gp2
reclaimPolicy: Retain
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer

See here for more options.

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