Home > Software engineering >  change the value inside the address using a patern?
change the value inside the address using a patern?


I am a modder and I need to change the value of the object position. I inject into the game using my dll file. I have a pattern like this 9F4FF 0 C4 A8 70 39 41 and an address like this 0x7FF6CC7DCCD. I found this address & pattern using cheat engine and x64 Debug. I need to change the value at this address using this address or pattern, how can I do this in C ? P.S. object = entity

CodePudding user response:

you can use function defined in window header ...

they are :

ReadProcessMemory ()
WriteProcessMemory ()
BOOL WriteProcessMemory( 
  HANDLE  hProcess,
  (LPVOID  lpBaseAddress)0x7FF6CC7DCCD,
  (LPCVOID lpBuffer)yourDataBuffer,
  (SIZE_T  nSize)Sizeof(yourDataBuffer),
  (SIZE_T  *lpNumberOfBytesWritten)outWritten
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