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Tkinter combobox loop again. Getting the results


I created a group of comboboxes from looping a list and used dict key as item em combolist. Problems: I cannot get back results to a 'results' list. All comboboxes change at same time. I´ve studied other posts about the subject, but I cant understand the concept involved in the solution. To sum: The code generate 3 combobox but they change togeter, and I cant append results.

Thanks for your help, in advance:


from tkinter import 
from tkinter import ttk
win = Tk()

result =[] #--> the new list with results of comboboxes

opts = StringVar()

anyFruits =['any_grape', 'any_tomato', 'any_banana'] 
#--> list just to generate the loop 

fruits = {'specialgrape':'specialgrape', 'specialtomato':'specialtomato','specialbanana':'specialbanana'}
#--> dictonary to generate drop down options menu (key of dict)

for index, fruit in enumerate(anyFruits):

    mycombo = ttk.Combobox(win, 
                           values= (list(fruits.keys())),textvariable=opts)

    mycombo.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', lambda event, index=index: fruit_callBack(index, event))

def fruit_callBack(index, event):
    for opts in mycombo:

def print_():        

bt = Button(win,command= print_)



CodePudding user response:

The value all change together because all Combobox have same textvariable. Hence change in one, will force the others to keep the value same. Anyway, you are appending it wrong too, you do not need to pass in index, just pass the combobox itself and append the value inside it:

for index, fruit in enumerate(anyFruits):
    mycombo = ttk.Combobox(win,values=list(fruits.keys()))
    mycombo.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>',lambda e,cmb=mycombo: fruit_callBack(e,cmb))   
def fruit_callBack(event,cmb):
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