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The ERROR LNK2019 solve ah


Error 1 Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall CCyUSBEndPoint: : Reset (void)" (? Reset @ CCyUSBEndPoint @ @ QAE_NXZ) referenced in the function of "public: void __thiscall CInterfaceDlg: : OnBnClickedButtonRefresh (void)" (? OnBnClickedButtonRefresh @ CInterfaceDlg @ @ QAEXXZ) E: \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ Interface20170718 \ Interface20170712 \ Interface \ Interface \ InterfaceDlg obj Interface
Error 2 Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall CCyUSBEndPoint: : Abort (void)" (? Abort @ CCyUSBEndPoint @ @ QAE_NXZ) referenced in the function of "public: void __thiscall CInterfaceDlg: : OnBnClickedButtonRefresh (void)" (? OnBnClickedButtonRefresh @ CInterfaceDlg @ @ QAEXXZ) E: \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ Interface20170718 \ Interface20170712 \ Interface \ Interface \ InterfaceDlg obj Interface
The Error 3 Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall CCyUSBDevice: : CCyUSBDevice (void *, struct _GUID, int)" (?????? 0 ccyusbdevice @ @ QAE @ PAXU_GUID @ @ @ Z H) referenced in the function "protected: virtual int __thiscall CInterfaceDlg: : OnInitDialog (void)" (? OnInitDialog @ CInterfaceDlg @ @ MAEHXZ) E: \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ Interface20170718 \ Interface20170712 \ Interface \ Interface \ InterfaceDlg obj Interface
The Error 4 Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: unsigned char __thiscall CCyUSBDevice: : DeviceCount (void)" (? DeviceCount @ CCyUSBDevice @ @ QAEEXZ) referenced in the function of "public: void __thiscall CInterfaceDlg: : OnBnClickedVbutton (void)" (? OnBnClickedVbutton @ CInterfaceDlg @ @ QAEXXZ) E: \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ Interface20170718 \ Interface20170712 \ Interface \ Interface \ InterfaceDlg obj Interface
The Error 5 Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: unsigned char __thiscall CCyUSBDevice: : EndPointCount (void)" (? EndPointCount @ CCyUSBDevice @ @ QAEEXZ) referenced in the function of "public: void __thiscall CInterfaceDlg: : OnSelchangeComboDivicelist (void)" (? OnSelchangeComboDivicelist @ CInterfaceDlg @ @ QAEXXZ) E: \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ Interface20170718 \ Interface20170712 \ Interface \ Interface \ InterfaceDlg obj Interface
The Error and the Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall CCyUSBDevice: : Open (unsigned char)" (? The Open @ CCyUSBDevice @ @ QAE_NE @ Z) referenced in the function of "public: void __thiscall CInterfaceDlg: : OnBnClickedVbutton (void)" (? OnBnClickedVbutton @ CInterfaceDlg @ @ QAEXXZ) E: \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ Interface20170718 \ Interface20170712 \ Interface \ Interface \ InterfaceDlg obj Interface
The Error and the Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall CCyUSBDevice: : Close (void)" (? The Close @ CCyUSBDevice @ @ QAEXXZ) referenced in the function "unsigned int __cdecl XferLoop (void *)" (? XferLoop @ @ YAIPAX @ Z) E: \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ Interface20170718 \ Interface20170712 \ Interface \ Interface \ InterfaceDlg obj Interface
The Error and the Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall CCyUSBDevice: : GetConfigDescriptor (struct _USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR *)" (? GetConfigDescriptor @ CCyUSBDevice @ @ QAEXPAU_USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR @ @ @ Z) referenced in the function of "public: void __thiscall CInterfaceDlg: : OnBnClickedButtonRefresh (void)" (? OnBnClickedButtonRefresh @ CInterfaceDlg @ @ QAEXXZ) E: \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ Interface20170718 \ Interface20170712 \ Interface \ Interface \ InterfaceDlg obj Interface
The Error and the Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall CCyUSBDevice: : GetIntfcDescriptor (struct _USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR *)" (? GetIntfcDescriptor @ CCyUSBDevice @ @ QAEXPAU_USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR @ @ @ Z) referenced in the function of "public: void __thiscall CInterfaceDlg: : OnBnClickedButtonRefresh (void)" (? OnBnClickedButtonRefresh @ CInterfaceDlg @ @ QAEXXZ) E: \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ Interface20170718 \ Interface20170712 \ Interface \ Interface \ InterfaceDlg obj Interface
The Error and the Error LNK1120: nine unresolved externals E: \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ Interface20170718 \ Interface20170712 \ Interface \ Debug \ Interface exe Interface

CodePudding user response:

Cannot resolve the external symbol, Reset (void) or OnBnClickedButtonRefresh (void) should be one of your external calls, usually didn't find the corresponding DLL,

CodePudding user response:

Project, properties, linker, regular, additional libraries directory: fill in the attached dependent libraries directory semicolon interval multiple
Project, properties, linker, input, additional dependencies: fill in the name of the additional dependent libraries. Lib Spaces or a semicolon between multiple
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