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How to modify the dialog box around the border color


In the Settings dialog to adjust the colors of the dialog box border (not the background color dialog box), how to change?

CodePudding user response:

Recommend custom painting or map SetSysColors may lead to other application system have also been changed

CodePudding user response:

The simplest
SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETDROPSHADOW, 0, (the PVOID) TRUE, 0).//- open shadows 
SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETDROPSHADOW, 0, (the PVOID) FALSE, 0).//- shadows off
Complex is redrawn

CodePudding user response:

 CBrush Brush (RGB (187200143)); 
The CBrush * pOldBrush=pDC - & gt; SelectObject (& amp; Brush);

CRect rtWnd, rtTitle rtButtons;
GetWindowRect (& amp; RtWnd);
//get the position of the title bar
//SM_CXFRAME window frame edge width
//SM_CYFRAME the edge of the window frame height
//SM_CXSIZE window title bar width
//SM_CYSIZE window title bar height
RtTitle. Left=GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXFRAME);
RtTitle. Top=GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYFRAME);
- rtWnd rtTitle. Right=rtWnd. Right. The left - GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXFRAME);
RtTitle. Bottom=rtTitle. Top + GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSIZE);

CPoint point;
//fill the top frame
Point. X=rtWnd. Width ();
Point. Y=GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSIZE) + GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYFRAME) + 0;
PDC - & gt; PatBlt (0, 0, point x, point y, PATCOPY);
//fill left frame
Point x=GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXFRAME) - 1;
Point. Y=rtWnd. Height () - 1;
PDC - & gt; PatBlt (0, 0, point x, point y, PATCOPY);
//fill the bottom frame
Point. X=rtWnd. Width ();
Point. Y=GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYFRAME);
PDC - & gt; PatBlt (0, rtWnd Height () - point. Y, point, x, point. The y, PATCOPY);
//fill the right framework
Point x=GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXFRAME);
Point. Y=rtWnd. Height ();
PDC - & gt; PatBlt (rtWnd Width () - point. X, 0, point, x, point. The y, PATCOPY);

//drawing title bar icon
M_rtIcon. Left=rtTitle. Left;
M_rtIcon. Top=rtTitle. Top;
M_rtIcon. Right=m_rtIcon. Left + 16;
M_rtIcon. Bottom=m_rtIcon. Top + 15;
: : DrawIconEx (pDC - & gt; M_hDC, m_rtIcon left, m_rtIcon. Top AfxGetApp () - & gt; LoadIcon (IDR_MAINFRAME),
M_rtIcon. Width (), m_rtIcon. Height (), 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
M_rtIcon. OffsetRect (rtWnd TopLeft ());

CBitmap * pBitmap=new CBitmap;
CBitmap * pOldBitmap;
The CDC * pDisplayMemDC=new CDC;
PDisplayMemDC - & gt; CreateCompatibleDC (pDC);

//drawing close button
RtButtons. Left=rtTitle. Right - 16;
RtButtons. Top=rtTitle. Top - 1;
RtButtons. Right=rtButtons. Left + 16;
RtButtons. Bottom=rtButtons. Top + 15;
PBitmap - & gt; LoadBitmap (IDB_EXIT_FOCUS);
POldBitmap=(CBitmap *) pDisplayMemDC - & gt; SelectObject (pBitmap);
PDC - & gt; BitBlt (rtButtons rtButtons. Left, top, rtButtons. The Width (), rtButtons. Height (), pDisplayMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
PDisplayMemDC - & gt; SelectObject (pOldBitmap);
M_rtButtExit. OffsetRect (rtWnd TopLeft ());
PBitmap - & gt; DeleteObject ();

Maximize//drawing/restore button
RtButtons. Right=rtButtons. Left - 3;
RtButtons. Left=rtButtons. Right - 16;
If (IsZoomed ())
PBitmap - & gt; LoadBitmap (IDB_RESTORE_NORMAL);
The else
PBitmap - & gt; LoadBitmap (IDB_MAX_NORMAL);
POldBitmap=(CBitmap *) pDisplayMemDC - & gt; SelectObject (pBitmap);
PDC - & gt; BitBlt (rtButtons rtButtons. Left, top, rtButtons. The Width (), rtButtons. Height (), pDisplayMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
PDisplayMemDC - & gt; SelectObject (pOldBitmap);
M_rtButtMax. OffsetRect (rtWnd TopLeft ());
PBitmap - & gt; DeleteObject ();

//drawing to minimize button
RtButtons. Right=rtButtons. Left - 3;
RtButtons. Left=rtButtons. Right - 16;
PBitmap - & gt; LoadBitmap (IDB_MIN_NORMAL);
POldBitmap=(CBitmap *) pDisplayMemDC - & gt; SelectObject (pBitmap);
PDC - & gt; BitBlt (rtButtons rtButtons. Left, top, rtButtons. The Width (), rtButtons. Height (), pDisplayMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
PDisplayMemDC - & gt; SelectObject (pOldBitmap);
M_rtButtMin. OffsetRect (rtWnd TopLeft ());
PBitmap - & gt; DeleteObject ();

//drawing caption
Int nOldMode=pDC - & gt; SetBkMode (TRANSPARENT);
COLORREF clOldText=pDC - & gt; SetTextColor (RGB (255255255));

CFont m_captionFont;
M_captionFont. CreateFont (
The height of 18,//font
The width of 0,//font
0,//the Angle of the font display
The Angle of the 0,//font
FW_BOLD,//font pounds
FALSE,//italic font
FALSE,//the font is underlined
0,//with a strikethrough font
ANSI_CHARSET,//the required character set
OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,//output accuracy
CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,//cutting accuracy
DEFAULT_QUALITY,//logical font and font of the actual output equipment accuracy between
DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS,//font spacing and font sets
_T (" Arial "));//font name
CFont * pOldFont=NULL;
POldFont=pDC - & gt; SelectObject (& amp; M_captionFont);

RtTitle. Left +=m_rtIcon. Width () + 3;
RtTitle. Top=rtTitle. Top;
RtTitle. Bottom=rtTitle. Top + 30;
Cstrings m_strTitle;
GetWindowText (m_strTitle);
PDC - & gt; DrawText (m_strTitle, & amp; RtTitle DT_LEFT);
PDC - & gt; SetBkMode (nOldMode);
PDC - & gt; SetTextColor (clOldText);

The ReleaseDC (pDisplayMemDC);
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