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How to blur the background behind a control


I need to fit the VisualBrush used into the button to the entire window. The VisualBrush is linked to an Image that is stretched to the entire visualization, but in the visual that image starts to appear in the corner of the button.

        <Button x:Name="button" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Content="Acquista ora- $23.99" FontSize="48" BorderBrush="{x:Null}">
                <VisualBrush Visual="{Binding ElementName=img}" Stretch="None" AlignmentX="Center" AlignmentY="Center" ViewboxUnits="RelativeToBoundingBox" ViewportUnits="RelativeToBoundingBox" />

How can I do? Thanks in advance.

CodePudding user response:

If want to blur the image behind the Button (or a transparent control in general) you have to follow a different approach.

You need the exact tile of the image in order to blur it using the BlurEffect.

In order to not blur the Button itself, you must add alayer beneath the button that has the BlurEffect applied.

The following example extends a ContentControl named BlurHost that renders the Content e.g., the Button, on top of a Border element that will actualy blur the background using a VisualBrush.
The brush itself has a tile defined that is located at the position of the BlurHost which hosts the Button (or any other transparent control).

The basic steps to implement a blurred background:

  1. Add the background image
  2. Create a blur layer beneath the element
  3. Get the bounds of the element e.g., the Button which is located relative to the parent of the Image (preferably the root container)
  4. Use the bounding rectangle to define the tile of the VisualBrush (the actual section of the image)
  5. Apply the brush on the blur layer

Usage example


  <!-- Allow the root grid to stretch accross the Window -->
    <Image x:Name="img" Source="/someImage.png"  />

         Optionally override the default BlurEffect 
         by setting the BlurHost.BlurEffect property 
    <local:BlurHost BlurBackground="{Binding ElementName=img}" 
      <Button Background="Transparent" 
              Content="Acquista ora- $23.99" />

enter image description here

Implementation example

The implementation is simple. You have to add property changed handlers in order to make the control dynamic.

The ContentControl serves as a container. The blurred background is visible at the transparent areas of the content.

public class BlurHost : ContentControl
  public Visual BlurBackground
    get => (Visual)GetValue(BlurBackgroundProperty);
    set => SetValue(BlurBackgroundProperty, value);

  public static readonly DependencyProperty BlurBackgroundProperty =
        new PropertyMetadata(default(Visual), OnBlurBackgroundChanged));

  public double BlurOpacity
    get => (double)GetValue(BlurOpacityProperty);
    set => SetValue(BlurOpacityProperty, value);

  public static readonly DependencyProperty BlurOpacityProperty =
        new PropertyMetadata(1.0));

  public BlurEffect BlurEffect
    get => (BlurEffect)GetValue(BlurEffectProperty);
    set => SetValue(BlurEffectProperty, value);

  public static readonly DependencyProperty BlurEffectProperty =
        new PropertyMetadata(
          new BlurEffect() 
            Radius = 10, 
            KernelType = KernelType.Gaussian, 
            RenderingBias = RenderingBias.Performance 

  private Border PART_BlurDecorator { get; set; }
  private VisualBrush BlurDecoratorBrush { get; set; }

  static BlurHost()
    DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(BlurHost), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(BlurHost)));

  public BlurHost()
    Loaded  = onl oaded;

    // TODO::Update Opacity of VisualBrush when property BlurOpacity changes
    this.BlurDecoratorBrush = new VisualBrush()
      ViewboxUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute,
      Opacity = this.BlurOpacity

  private void DrawBlurredElementBackground()
    if (!TryFindVisualRootContainer(this, out FrameworkElement rootContainer))

    // Get the section of the image where the BlurHost element is located
    Rect elementBounds = TransformToVisual(rootContainer)
      .TransformBounds(new Rect(this.RenderSize));

    // Use the section bounds to actually "cut out" the image tile 
    this.BlurDecoratorBrush.Viewbox = elementBounds;

  private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (TryFindVisualRootContainer(this, out FrameworkElement rootContainer))
      rootContainer.SizeChanged  = OnRootContainerElementResized;


  public override void OnApplyTemplate()
    this.PART_BlurDecorator = GetTemplateChild("PART_BlurDecorator") as Border;
    this.PART_BlurDecorator.Effect = this.BlurEffect;
    this.PART_BlurDecorator.Background = this.BlurDecoratorBrush;

  private static void OnBlurBackgroundChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    var this_ = d as BlurHost;
    this_.BlurDecoratorBrush.Visual = e.NewValue as Visual;

  private void OnRootContainerElementResized(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
    => DrawBlurredElementBackground();

  private bool TryFindVisualRootContainer(DependencyObject child, out FrameworkElement rootContainerElement)
    rootContainerElement = null;
    DependencyObject parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child);
    if (parent == null)
      return false;

    if (parent is not Window visualRoot)
      return TryFindVisualRootContainer(parent, out rootContainerElement);

    rootContainerElement = visualRoot.Content as FrameworkElement;
    return true;

The default Style for the BlurHost. The Generic.xaml file is located in the Themes folder of the application (project).

<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"

  <Style TargetType="local:BlurHost">
    <Setter Property="Template">
        <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:BlurHost">

            <!-- Blur layer beneath the hosted element (ContentPresenter) -->
            <Border x:Name="PART_BlurDecorator"
                    BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}"
                    BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}"/>
            <ContentPresenter />
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