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2ND Highest value for each group - SQL


I have this dataset:

shopID    supplier    supply_count
1         a           12
2         b           12
2         f           12
2         e           10
3         b           5
3         a           2
4         f           15
4         c           11

I have used this query to get 2nd highest value for each group:

select s1.shopId, max(s1.supply_count)
from supply s1
where supply_count NOT IN (
   select max(supply_count) 
   from supply s2
   where s1.shopId = s2.shopId
group by s1.shopId

The results I'm getting are:

shopID   supply_count
2        10
3        2
4        11

The desired output is: (in case there is no second highest I want to present the highest)

shopID   supply_count
1        12
2        10
3        2
4        11

Based on this question: Retrieve 2nd highest count by each group

CodePudding user response:

You can get desired output to include the value where each shopId has only a single row by also counting the rows for each ShopId.

Based on some more varied data and comments I believe the following should give the desired results:

with c as (
    select *,
        case when dense_rank() over(partition by shopid order by supply_count desc)=2 
            or Min(supply_count) over(partition by shopid)
              =Max(supply_count) over(partition by shopid) 
        then 1 else 0 end as valid
    from t
select distinct shopId, supply_count
from c
where valid=1

Example DBFiddle with some more varied data

CodePudding user response:

(select shopID,
supply_count, dense_rank() over(partition by shopID order by supply_count desc) as rnk
from supply) a
where rnk=2
(select shopID,
supply_count, dense_rank() over(partition by shopID order by supply_count desc) as rnk
from supply) a
group shopID,
supply_count having max(rnk)=1;

I believe this should work. What I have tried here is to identify the second highest supply count by assigning a rank for each group and doing a union with the shopIDs that have only one record.

If you don't understand what a dense_rank() does, read this : https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-use-sql-rank-and-dense-rank-functions-7c3ebf84b4e8

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  • sql
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