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Vb scheduling problems


Error should be a lot of, a great god can and sorting
Freshman vb the division of the final big homework
The number, age and the popularity of sorting, sequencing respectively
 Public Class infolist 

Dim lastrecord As Integer
Dim carray (,) As String
Private Sub frmdisplay_Deactivate (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e the As System. EventArgs) Handles Me. Deactivate
FileClose (1)
End Sub
Private Sub frmdisplay_Activated (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e the As System. EventArgs) Handles Me. Activated
Dim As Integer I
FileOpen (1, Application StartupPath & amp; "\ regist. TXT",
OpenMode. Random,,, Len (parti))
Lastrecord=LOF (1)/Len (parti)
Infolist. Items. The Clear ()
Infolist. Items. Add (" number "& amp; Space (7) & amp; "Name" & amp; Space (7) & amp; "Gender" & amp; Space (5) & amp; "Age" & amp; Space (7) & amp; "Sentiment" & amp; Space (7) & amp; "Professional")
For I=1 To lastrecord
FileGet (1, parti, I)
Infolist. Items. The Add (parti. No & amp; Space (11 - Len (parti. No)) & amp; Parti, name & amp; Space (11 - Len (parti. Name)) & amp; Parti. Sex & amp; Space (11 - Len (parti. Sex)) & amp; Parti, age & amp; Space (11 - Len (parti. Age)) & amp; Parti. Vote & amp; Space (11 - Len (parti. Vote)) & amp; Parti. Major)
Infolist. Items. The Add (parti. No & amp; Parti, name & amp; Parti. Sex & amp; Parti, age & amp; Parti. Vote & amp; Parti. Major)
Next I
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsortno_Click (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e the As System. EventArgs) Handles cmdsortno. Click
Dim n As Integer
'Dim number (n, 1) As Single
N=LOF (1)/Len (parti)
If n=0 Then
MsgBox (" no students in the file ")
The Else
ReDim carray (n 5)
Call to readdata (carray, n)
Call sortdata (carray, n, 0)
Call showdata (carray, n)
End the If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdsortvote_Click (ByVal sender As System. Object, ByVal e the As System. EventArgs) Handles cmdsortvote. Click
Dim n As Integer
N=LOF (1)/Len (parti)
If n=0 Then
MsgBox (" no students in the file ")
The Else
ReDim Preserve carray (n 5)
Call to readdata (carray, n)
Call sortdata (carray, n, 0)
Call showdata (carray, n)
End the If
End Sub
Private Shared Function items () As the Object
Throw New NotImplementedException
End the Function

Private Sub cmdsortage_Click (ByVal sender As System. Object, ByVal e the As System. EventArgs) Handles cmdsortage. Click
Dim n As Integer
N=LOF (1)/Len (parti)
If n=0 Then
MsgBox (" no student in the file ")
The Else
ReDim carray (n 5)
Call to readdata (carray, n)
Call sortdata (carray, n, 3)
Call showdata (carray, n)
End the If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdback_Click (ByVal sender As System. Object, ByVal e the As System. EventArgs) Handles cmdback. Click
Form3. Hide ()
Form2. The show ()
End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_Click (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e the As System. EventArgs) Handles ListBox1. Click
ListBox1. Text=""
Dim STR As String
FileOpen (1, "C: \ Users \ lenovo \ Desktop \ VB \ Windows \ \ form's information", OpenMode. Input)
The Do While Not EOF (1)
STR=LineInput (1)
ListBox1. Text=ListBox1. Text + STR + vbCrLf
End Sub
The End of the Class

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