Home > Software engineering >  Finding out if two Lists have some elements in common by only using map function
Finding out if two Lists have some elements in common by only using map function


I am working on a Problem in Maple. But the question i have is general and could be answered based on ANY programming Language.

The Problem:

  • Use only map function (no loops). Assume there are two lists A and B with n and m elements. replace those elements in A with "true", which are also found in B and replace the other elements in A with "false".

The question: i did try to solve this problem like that:

funk := proc(i::integer,j::integer) # checks if two elements are identical
if (i = j) then
return true;
return false;
end if;
end proc:

funktion := proc(int::integer, L :: list) # calls funk on every element of L.
map(funk, L, int);
end proc:

SchnittTrueA := proc(M::list, L::list) # calls funktion on every Element of M and L.
end proc:

And if i run SchnittTrueA(k,l); for k :=[1,3] and l := [2,3] i get this result:

[[false, false], [false, true]]

That is by no mean what i want the Program to do!

i need something like that [false, true]

I did try everything i could but i have no idea how to solve this problem.

P.S1: i am a newbie programmer so please do not be hard on me :D. P.S2: If you want to give me any Tip / Answer, it does not need to be in Maple Language as long as you can use map function.

CodePudding user response:

It's not clear what else you may use, besides map. Eg. your user-defined procedure uses if..then, etc.

But the following don't use loops.

The first two are reasonably efficient in the sense that for each element t in list A they generate the true as soon as any matching element is found in list B.

In contrast the last two approaches are inefficient because they test each element t in list A against every element in list B (even if a match has already been found).

A := [$1..10];

         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

B := [seq(ithprime(i),i=1..4)];

                  [2, 3, 5, 7]


  [false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false]


  [false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false]


  [false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false]


  [false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false]

Of the four apporaches shown above, the fourth is closest in spirit to your attempt.

I'll show some equivalents to the fourth above, each getting closer to your original attempt.

A := [$1..10]:

B := [seq(ithprime(i),i=1..4)]:

Each of these equivalents use those same A and B example list.

func := (t1,t2)->`if`(t2=t1,true,NULL):

funktion := (t1,B)->`if`(map(func,B,t1)=[true],

map(funktion, A, B);

[false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false]

Now using proc instead of shorter operator syntax.

func := proc(t1,t2)
        end proc:

funktion := proc(t1,B)
            end proc:

map(funktion, A, B);

[false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false]

Now using long-form of if..then, instead of shorter if operator form.

func := proc(t1,t2)
          if t2=t1 then
          end if;
        end proc:

funktion := proc(t1,B)
              if map(func,B,t1)=[true] then
              end if;
            end proc:

map(funktion, A, B);

 [false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false]
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