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Web page in two js conflict how to solve


The first js

The function openpopup () {
Window. The open (" lxyz1. HTML ", ""," width=600, height=311 ")
Window. The open

(" ", ""," width=750, height=400, top=0, left=0, the resizable=yes, screenX=0, screenY=0, alwaysRaised=yes, scro

Llbars=yes ")
//the window. The open (" heka. HTML ", ""," width=450, height=443 ")
Window. The open

(" ", ""," width=700, height=350, top=100, left=0, the resizable=yes, screenX=0, screenY=0, alwaysRaised=yes, scrollbars

=yes ")
The function get_cookie (Name) {
Var search=Name + "="
Var returnvaluehttps://bbs.csdn.net/topics/="";
If (document. Cookies. Length & gt; 0 {
Offset=document. Cookies. IndexOf (search)
If (offset!=1) {
Offset +=search. Length
End=document. Cookies. IndexOf (";" , offset);
If (end==1)
End=document. Cookies. Length;
returnvalue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/unescape (document. Cookies. The substring (offset, end))
Return the returnvalue.
The function loadpopup () {
If (get_cookie (' popped ')==' ') {
Openpopup ()
Document. The cookie="popped=yes"

The second js
The function setTab (name, cursel) {
for(var i=1; i<=links_len; I++) {
Var menu=document. GetElementById (name + I);
Var menudiv=document. GetElementById (" con_ "+ name +" _ "+ I);
If (I==cursel) {
Menu. The className="off";
Menudiv. Style. The display="block";
The else {
Menu. The className="";
Menudiv. Style. The display="none";
The function Next () {
Cursel_0 + +;
If (cursel_0 & gt; Links_len) cursel_0=1
SetTab (name_0 cursel_0);
Var name_0='one';
Var cursel_0=1;
Var ScrollTime=99999999999999999;
Var links_len iIntervalId;
Onload=function () {
Var links=document. GetElementById (" tab1 "). The getElementsByTagName (' li ')
Links_len=links. Length;
for(var i=0; i<links_len; I++) {
The links [I] onm ouseover=function () {
ClearInterval (iIntervalId);
Enclosing onm ouseout=function () {
IIntervalId=setInterval (Next, ScrollTime);;
Document. The getElementById (" con_ "+ name_0 + + links_len" _ "). The parentNode. onm ouseover=function () {
ClearInterval (iIntervalId);
Enclosing onm ouseout=function () {
IIntervalId=setInterval (Next, ScrollTime);;
SetTab (name_0 cursel_0);
IIntervalId=setInterval (Next, ScrollTime);

CodePudding user response:

Using two browser,

CodePudding user response:

JS and VB what relation?>
And this is the issue of server-side file
Your client solve?
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