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Sysmets. H>>> this is a structure array? <<<<how to feel a little strange...


Int Index;
TCHAR * szLabel;
TCHAR * szDesc;
Sysmetrics []=
{SM_CXSCREEN, TEXT (" SM_CXSCREEN "), TEXT (" Screen width in pixels ")},
{SM_CYSCREEN, TEXT (" SM_CYSCREEN "), TEXT (" Screen height in pixels ")},
{SM_CXVSCROLL, TEXT (" SM_CXVSCROLL "), TEXT (" Vertical scroll width ")},
{SM_CYHSCROLL, TEXT (" SM_CYHSCROLL "), TEXT (" Horizontal scroll height ")},
{SM_CYCAPTION, TEXT (" SM_CYCAPTION "), TEXT (" Caption bar height ")},
{SM_CXBORDER, TEXT (" SM_CXBORDER "), TEXT (" Window border width ")},
{SM_CYBORDER, TEXT (" SM_CYBORDER "), TEXT (" Window border height ")},
{SM_CXFIXEDFRAME, TEXT (" SM_CXFIXEDFRAME "), TEXT (" Dialog window frame width ")},
{SM_CYFIXEDFRAME, TEXT (" SM_CYFIXEDFRAME "), TEXT (" Dialog window frame height ")},
{SM_CYVTHUMB, TEXT (" SM_CYVTHUMB "), TEXT (" Vertical scroll thumb height ")},
{SM_CXHTHUMB, TEXT (" SM_CXHTHUMB "), TEXT (" Horizontal scroll thumb width ")},
{SM_CXICON, TEXT (" SM_CXICON "), TEXT (" Icon width ")},
{SM_CYICON, TEXT (" SM_CYICON "), TEXT (" Icon height ")},
{SM_CXCURSOR, TEXT (" SM_CXCURSOR "), TEXT (" Cursor width ")},
{SM_CYCURSOR, TEXT (" SM_CYCURSOR "), TEXT (" Cursor height ")},
{SM_CYMENU, TEXT (" SM_CYMENU "), TEXT (" Menu bar height ")},
{SM_CXFULLSCREEN, TEXT (" SM_CXFULLSCREEN "), TEXT (" Full screen client area width ")},
{SM_CYFULLSCREEN, TEXT (" SM_CYFULLSCREEN "), TEXT (" Full screen client area height ")},
{SM_CYKANJIWINDOW, TEXT (" SM_CYKANJIWINDOW "), TEXT (" Kanji window height ")},
{SM_MOUSEPRESENT, TEXT (" SM_MOUSEPRESENT "), TEXT (" Mouse present flag ")},
{SM_CYVSCROLL, TEXT (" SM_CYVSCROLL "), TEXT (" Vertical scroll arrow height ")},
{SM_CXHSCROLL, TEXT (" SM_CXHSCROLL "), TEXT (" Horizontal scroll arrow width ")},
{SM_DEBUG, TEXT (" SM_DEBUG "), TEXT (" the Debug version flag ")},
{SM_SWAPBUTTON, TEXT (" SM_SWAPBUTTON "), TEXT (" Mouse buttons swapped flag ")},
{SM_CXMIN, TEXT (" SM_CXMIN "), TEXT (" window width Minimum ")},
{SM_CYMIN, TEXT (" SM_CYMIN "), TEXT (" Minimum window height ")},
{SM_CXSIZE, TEXT (" SM_CXSIZE "), TEXT (" Min/Max/Close button width ")},
{SM_CYSIZE, TEXT (" SM_CYSIZE "), TEXT (" Min/Max/Close button height ")},
{SM_CXSIZEFRAME, TEXT (" SM_CXSIZEFRAME "), TEXT (" Window sizing frame width ")},
{SM_CYSIZEFRAME, TEXT (" SM_CYSIZEFRAME "), TEXT (" Window sizing frame height ")},
{SM_CXMINTRACK, TEXT (" SM_CXMINTRACK "), TEXT (" Minimum window tracking width ")},
{SM_CYMINTRACK, TEXT (" SM_CYMINTRACK "), TEXT (" Minimum window tracking height ")},
{SM_CXDOUBLECLK, TEXT (" SM_CXDOUBLECLK "), TEXT (Double click "x" (how)},
{SM_CYDOUBLECLK, TEXT (" SM_CYDOUBLECLK "), TEXT (" Double click y how ")},
{SM_CXICONSPACING, TEXT (" SM_CXICONSPACING "), TEXT (" Horizontal icon spacing ")},
{SM_CYICONSPACING, TEXT (" SM_CYICONSPACING "), TEXT (" Vertical icon spacing ")},
{SM_PENWINDOWS, TEXT (" SM_PENWINDOWS "), TEXT (" Pen extensions installed ")},
{SM_DBCSENABLED, TEXT (" SM_DBCSENABLED "), TEXT (" Double - Byte Char Set enabled ")},
{SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS, TEXT (" SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS "), TEXT (" the Number of mouse buttons ")},
{SM_SECURE, TEXT (" SM_SECURE "), TEXT (" Security present flag ")},
{SM_CXEDGE, TEXT (" SM_CXEDGE "), TEXT (" 3-d border width ")},
{SM_CYEDGE, TEXT (" SM_CYEDGE "), TEXT (" 3-d border height ")},
{SM_CXMINSPACING, TEXT (" SM_CXMINSPACING "), TEXT (" Minimized window spacing width ")},
{SM_CYMINSPACING, TEXT (" SM_CYMINSPACING "), TEXT (" Minimized window spacing height ")},
{SM_CXSMICON, TEXT (" SM_CXSMICON "), TEXT (" Small icon width ")},
{SM_CYSMICON, TEXT (" SM_CYSMICON "), TEXT (" Small icon height ")},
{SM_CYSMCAPTION, TEXT (" SM_CYSMCAPTION "), TEXT (" Small caption height ")},
{SM_CXSMSIZE, TEXT (" SM_CXSMSIZE "), TEXT (" Small caption button width ")},
{SM_CYSMSIZE, TEXT (" SM_CYSMSIZE "), TEXT (" Small caption button height ")},
{SM_CXMENUSIZE, TEXT (" SM_CXMENUSIZE "), TEXT (" Menu bar button width ")},
{SM_CYMENUSIZE, TEXT (" SM_CYMENUSIZE "), TEXT (" Menu bar button height ")},
{SM_ARRANGE, TEXT (" SM_ARRANGE "), TEXT (" How minimized Windows arranged ")},
{SM_CXMINIMIZED, TEXT (" SM_CXMINIMIZED "), TEXT (" Minimized window width ")},
{SM_CYMINIMIZED, TEXT (" SM_CYMINIMIZED "), TEXT (" Minimized window height ")},
{SM_CXMAXTRACK, TEXT (" SM_CXMAXTRACK "), TEXT (" Maximum draggable width ")},
{SM_CYMAXTRACK, TEXT (" SM_CYMAXTRACK "), TEXT (" Maximum draggable height ")},
{SM_CXMAXIMIZED, TEXT (" SM_CXMAXIMIZED "), TEXT (" Width of maximized Windows ")},
{SM_CYMAXIMIZED, TEXT (" SM_CYMAXIMIZED "), TEXT (" Height of maximized Windows ")},
{SM_NETWORK, TEXT (" SM_NETWORK "), TEXT (" Network present flag ")},
{SM_CLEANBOOT, TEXT (" SM_CLEANBOOT "), TEXT (" How the system was booted ")},
{SM_CXDRAG, TEXT (" SM_CXDRAG "), TEXT (" get drag x "(how)},
{SM_CYDRAG, TEXT (" SM_CYDRAG "), TEXT (" get drag y how ")},
{SM_SHOWSOUNDS, TEXT (" SM_SHOWSOUNDS "), TEXT (" the Present a contributor visually ")},
{SM_CXMENUCHECK, TEXT (" SM_CXMENUCHECK "), TEXT (" Menu check - mark the width ")},
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