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Can i print the instance of has_object_permission?


I'm trying to create REST API with django-rest-framework. My question is can I print the instance of has_object_permission method so I can see what is going on in that part. I'm trying that only the owner of an object can update and delete the object but right now anyone can delete or update anybody object. Please tell if there is other way to do besides permissions. Can we do all these with checks in serializer. If yes then please guide me that too with example. I shall be very thankful.

class ObjectOwnerPermission(BasePermission):

    message = "This object is expired." # custom error message

    def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
        if request.user.is_authenticated:
            return True
        return False

        if obj.author == request.user:
            return True
        return False

class RetrieveUpdateProjectAPIView(generics.RetrieveUpdateAPIView,ObjectOwnerPermission):
    """This endpoint allows for updating a specific Project by passing in the id of the 
Project to update/Retrieve"""
    permissions_classes = [ObjectOwnerPermission]
    queryset = Project.objects.all()
    serializer_class = serializers.ProjectSerializer

class DeleteProjectAPIView(generics.DestroyAPIView,ObjectOwnerPermission):
    """This endpoint allows for deletion of a specific Project from the database"""
    permissions_classes = [ObjectOwnerPermission]
    queryset = Project.objects.all()
    serializer_class = serializers.ProjectSerializer

CodePudding user response:

Your permissions dont work because your return True in your ObjectOwnerPermission when user is authenticated which means that ANYONE who is authenticated can pass this permission.

EDIT: In the original question permissionS_classes whas used instead of permission_classes

Here is my fixed version:

class ObjectOwnerPermission(BasePermission):

    message = "This object is expired." # custom error message

    def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):    
        return obj.author == request.user

class RetrieveUpdateProjectAPIView(generics.RetrieveUpdateAPIView):
    """This endpoint allows for updating a specific Project by passing in the id of the 
Project to update/Retrieve"""
    permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated, ObjectOwnerPermission]
    queryset = Project.objects.all()
    serializer_class = serializers.ProjectSerializer

class DeleteProjectAPIView(generics.DestroyAPIView):
    """This endpoint allows for deletion of a specific Project from the database"""
    permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated, ObjectOwnerPermission]
    queryset = Project.objects.all()
    serializer_class = serializers.ProjectSerializer
  • DONT inherit from permission class in your views - it should be only used in permission_classes
  • if you want to chain your permission, it should be implemented in permission_classes list
  • permission classes are read from left to right which means that IsAuthenticated is checked first before your class (in your class you are sure that user is logged in)
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