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Why ViewModel function is throwing error in SwiftUI?


I am trying to call ViewModel method in the view but getting error as Thread 1: Fatal error: No ObservableObject of type AuthViewModel found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for AuthViewModel may be missing as an ancestor of this view. I don't have any idea why it is happening.


import SwiftUI

class AuthViewModel: ObservableObject {
  func login() {

My View File

//  RegistrationView.swift
//  TwitterSwiftUI
//  Created by developer on 11/06/21.

import SwiftUI

struct RegistrationView: View {
  @State var text = ""
  @State var fullName = ""
  @State var userName = ""
  @State var password = ""
  @State var isImagePickerDisplay = false
  @State var selectedImage:UIImage?
  @Environment(\.presentationMode) var mode: Binding<PresentationMode>
  @EnvironmentObject var viewModel: AuthViewModel
    var body: some View {

      ZStack {
        Color(#colorLiteral(red: 0.2203325033, green: 0.6315936446, blue: 0.955042541, alpha: 1))
        VStack {
          Button(action: {
            isImagePickerDisplay = true
          }, label: {
            if selectedImage != nil {
                Image(uiImage: selectedImage!)
                .frame(width: 140, height: 140)
                .padding(.top, 0)
            } else {
                .frame(width: 140, height: 140)
                .padding(.top, 0)

          VStack {
            CustomTextField(text: $fullName, placeholder: Text("Full name"), icon: Image(systemName: "person"))
              .background(Color(.init(white: 1, alpha: 0.15)))
            CustomTextField(text: $fullName, placeholder: Text("Email"), icon: Image(systemName: "envelope"))
              .background(Color(.init(white: 1, alpha: 0.15)))
            CustomTextField(text: $userName, placeholder: Text("Username"), icon: Image(systemName: "person"))
              .background(Color(.init(white: 1, alpha: 0.15)))
            CustomSecureField(password: $password)
              .background(Color(.init(white: 1, alpha: 0.15)))
              .frame(height: 30)
            GeometryReader { geometry in
              Button(action: {
                //viewModel.registerUser(email: "userName", password: "password", userName: "userName", fullName: "fullName", profileImage: selectedImage)
              }, label: {
                  Text("Sign up")
              .frame(width: (geometry.size.width*1), height: 50)
          HStack {
            Text("Already have account? Login in")
          }.onTapGesture {
          }.padding(.bottom, 28)
      }.sheet(isPresented: self.$isImagePickerDisplay) {
        ImagePickerViewHelper(selectedImage: self.$selectedImage, sourceType: .photoLibrary)

CodePudding user response:

The error message clearly says that the @EnvironmentObject property wrapper requires the associated object to be added to the environment somewhere on a higher level of the view hierarchy with the environmentObject() modifier.

To access the view model directly you have to use @Stateobject to create an instance of the observed class

@Stateobject var viewModel = AuthViewModel()
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