Home > Software engineering >  Is this SQL query possible? I am trying to get the least frequent names in this table
Is this SQL query possible? I am trying to get the least frequent names in this table


This is a toy public table in google BigQuery: The table contains the names given to people in the US at birth and the frequency of those names for each state and year from 1910 to 2020 Columns: name, year, state, number, gender enter image description here

In reality - there are many names that have same least frequency - to get all of them - use below approach

select * from (
  select year, gender, name, sum(number) number
  from `bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013`
  group by year, gender, name
  qualify 1 = dense_rank() over(partition by year, gender order by number)
pivot (string_agg(name) name, any_value(number) number for gender in ('M', 'F'))

with output

enter image description here

while if you would look for most frequent - you would use below

select * from (
  select year, gender, name, sum(number) number
  from `bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013`
  group by year, gender, name
  qualify 1 = dense_rank() over(partition by year, gender order by number desc)
pivot (string_agg(name) name, any_value(number) number for gender in ('M', 'F'))

with just one most frequent name per year/gender

enter image description here

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