

Field on your form to realize "learning vb" four times, each time the number of occurrences of after the, it is best to use a for loop, have who can teach the urgently needed

CodePudding user response:

 Dim As Integer I 

For I=1 To 4
Print "learning VB & amp;" I
Sleep (500)

In Sleep (500) is the API function call, only in order to be able to see the result one by one, rather than all at once,

CodePudding user response:

reference response: 1/f, VB amateurs
 Dim As Integer I 

For I=1 To 4
Print "learning VB & amp;" I
Sleep (500)

In Sleep (500) is the API function call, only in order to be able to see the result one by one, not at all,

Reference API is not clear:
 Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 

CodePudding user response:

 Do While ExistProcess (" ASLUpdate. Exe ", wait) And I & lt;=600 
Thread.sleep (1000) : (I) +=1
If I & gt;=550 Then wait=False

So also,