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I ask about pointer to a CDib class initialization problem


Void CDIBDisplayView: : OnViewEdge ()
//TODO: Add your command handler code here
BeginWaitCursor ();
CDIBDisplayDoc * pDoc=(CDIBDisplayDoc *) this - & gt; GetDocument ();
CDib * pDib=pDoc - & gt; M_pDibInit;
CSize sizeImage=pDib - & gt; GetDimensions ();
Int nWidth=sizeImage. Cx;
Int nHeight=sizeImage. Cy;
Int nSaveWidth=pDib - & gt; Cx; GetDibSaveDim ().

This is a binary image edge contour extraction procedure,
One of is m_pDibInit CDIBDisplayDoc parameters? It represents the current CDib class pointer? How do I define it?
What should I do? Always can't get the image of a pointer, hurry!!!!!
Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!
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