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React Native - Get number of lines of a text (before it is rendered)



How can I get the number of lines of a text before it is rendered?

I have implemented my own "CollapsibleText" (the typical read more/less text), but I am experiencing a bug because of calculating the number of lines with the "onLayout" prop.

I just want to render a short version of the original text with a "read more button"... but, to work with the "onLayout" prop, the full text has to be rendered before hidden it.

My current code works... but I need to avoid rendering the full text before the total lines calculation... is it possible?

Take a look at this snack, to notice the bug (test on iOS or Android devices, not in web).


export default function CollapsibleText({
  children = "",
  numberOfLines = 3,
  ellipsizeMode = "tail",
  textStyle = styles.text,
  readMoreButtonStyle = styles.readMoreButton,
  readMoreTextStyle = styles.readMoreText,
}) {
  const { colors } = useTheme();

  const isMounted = useIsMounted();

  const { t } = useLanguage();

  const measured = useRef(false);

  const [isCollapsed, setIsCollapsed] = useState(false);
  const [showReadMoreButton, setShowReadMoreButton] = useState(false);

  const toggleIsCollapsed = () => {
    setIsCollapsed((prevIsCollapsed) => !prevIsCollapsed);

  const handleOnTextLayout = useCallback(
    ({ nativeEvent: { lines } }) => {
      if (isMounted() && !measured.current && lines.length > numberOfLines) {
        measured.current = true;

  const renderReadMoreButton = () => (
      <Text style={[{ color: colors.silverChalice }, readMoreTextStyle]}>
        {t(`collapsibleText.${isCollapsed ? "readMore" : "readLess"}`)}

  return (
    <View style={containerStyle}>
        numberOfLines={isCollapsed ? numberOfLines : undefined}

      {showReadMoreButton && renderReadMoreButton()}

CodePudding user response:

How about... you just initialize the isCollapsed state with true?

const [isCollapsed, setIsCollapsed] = useState(true);

CodePudding user response:

You need to hide the All the text

function truncate(str, n){
return str?.length . n ? str.substr(0, n - 1)   "..." : str;

<Text>{truncate(movie?.overview, 150            
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