I want to render UI depending on a textInput()
and some conditions. Like when the number of chars in my textInput()
is greater than 2 and also matches a value from a variable of a dataset, i want to render the new UI. Otherwise when the number of chars is samller than 3, the UI should be removed. But somehow the UI is permanently removed/not visible even if both conditions are TRUE
. What do i miss here?
data = starwars
ui = fluidPage(
textInput("txt", "Look up name"),
uiOutput(outputId = "new"),
server = function(input, output, session){
res = reactive({data%>%filter(str_detect(name, input$txt))%>%slice_min(order_by = birth_year, n = 3)%>%pull(name)})
observeEvent(input$txt, {
if(str_detect(paste(res(), collapse = " "), input$txt) & nchar(input$txt) > 2){
output$new <- renderUI({
div(id = "new",
map(.x = res(), .f = ~div(.x)))
}else if(nchar(input$txt) < 3){
removeUI(selector = "#new")
shinyApp(ui, server)
CodePudding user response:
Perhaps you should just return(NULL)
as shown below or give a different id to your div(id="new2")
#data <- starwars
ui = fluidPage(
textInput("txt", "Look up name"),
uiOutput(outputId = "new")
server = function(input, output, session){
res <- eventReactive(input$txt, {
starwars %>% dplyr::filter(str_detect(name, input$txt)) %>%
dplyr::slice_min(order_by = birth_year, n = 3) %>% pull(name)
observeEvent(input$txt, {
if(str_detect(paste(res(), collapse = " "), input$txt) & nchar(input$txt) > 2){
output$new <- renderUI({
div(id = "new",
map(.x = res(), .f = ~div(.x)))
}else { # if(nchar(input$txt) < 3){
output$new <- renderUI({return(NULL)})
#removeUI(selector = "#new2") ### different id also works
shinyApp(ui, server)