Code is as follows, the data could have been run, after replace the BOF and EOF error, when debugging to Movefirst has a problem,
Sub DInput ()
Dim I As an Integer, j As Integer
ReDim ObsDP (1 To the Nsc, 1 To TS), ObsDQ (1) To TS, ObsDE (1) To TS 'To a traffic station, an evaporation station as an example
With Rd
. Open the "select * from [ObsDailyP -" + CStr (StationName) + "] where (dt) between "& amp; LongST & amp; "And" & amp; LongET & amp; "Order by asc [dt]," ConnectSys, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Prompt error. MoveFirst 'here
If the RecordCount & lt;> TS Then
MsgBox "the rainfall data is missing, please check!"
. Close
The Exit Sub
End the If
For j=1 To the Nsc
If IsNull (Rd (SName (j))) Then
ObsDP (j, I)=0
The Else
ObsDP (j, I)=Rd (SName (j))
End the If
Next j
. MoveNext
I=I + 1
Loop Until the EOF
. Close
MaxOQ=# - 9999
. Open the "select * from [ObsDailyQ -" + CStr (StationName) + "] where (dt) between "& amp; LongST & amp; "And" & amp; LongET & amp; "Order by asc [dt]," ConnectSys, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
. MoveFirst
If the RecordCount & lt;> TS Then
MsgBox "traffic data is missing, please check!"
. Close
The Exit Sub
End the If
If IsNull (Rd) (1) Then
ObsDQ (I)=0
The Else
ObsDQ (I)=Rd (1)
End the If
If ObsDQ (I) & gt; MaxOQ Then
MaxOQ=ObsDQ (I)
End the If
SumOQ=SumOQ + ObsDQ (I)
. MoveNext
I=I + 1
Loop Until the EOF
. Close
. Open the "select * from [ObsDailyE -" + CStr (StationName) + "] where (Dt) between "& amp; LongST & amp; "And" & amp; LongET & amp; "Order by asc [dt]," ConnectSys, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
. MoveFirst
If the RecordCount & lt;> TS Then
MsgBox "the evaporation data is missing, please check!"
. Close
The Exit Sub
End the If
If IsNull (Rd) (1) Then
ObsDE (I)=0
The Else
ObsDE (I)=Rd (1)
End the If
. MoveNext
I=I + 1
Loop Until the EOF
. Close
End With
ReDim AvgP (1) To TS
For I=1 To TS
AvgP (I)=0
For j=1 To the Nsc
AvgP (I)=AvgP (I) + ObsDP (j, I) * F (j) 'average daily rainfall
Next j
Next I
End Sub
Sub SaveDResults (ByVal NEi As Integer)
Dim I As an Integer, j As an Integer, NC As Single
Dim AvgOQ As Single, ObsRD As Single, SimRD As Single
Dim ErQ As Single, ErR As Single
For I=1 To TS
ObsRD=ObsRD + (ObsDQ (I) - AvgOQ) ^ 2
SimRD=SimRD + (DQResult (I) - ObsDQ (I)) ^ 2
If ObsDQ (I)=0 Or DQResult (I)=0 Then
The Else
SumLOSQ=SumLOSQ + Abs (Log (ObsDQ (I)/DQResult (I)))
End the If
If ObsDQ (I)=0 Then
The Else
SumLOQ=SumLOQ + Abs (Log (ObsDQ (I)))
End the If
Next I
NC=1 - SimRD/ObsRD
NC=Format (NC, "# 0.000")
ErQ=(MaxSQ - MaxOQ)/MaxOQ * 100
ErR=(SumSQ - SumOQ)/SumOQ * 100
ErQ=Format (ErQ, "# 0.00")
# ErR=Format (ErR, "0.00")
If OptiPara=True Then
If FOption=True Or SOption=True Or TOption=True Then
Simfr (NEi)=Abs ((SumSQ - SumOQ)/SumOQ) + Abs (1 - NC)
The Else
Fsample (NEi, simd)=Abs ((SumSQ - SumOQ)/SumOQ) + Abs (1 - NC)
End the If
If FrOption=True Then
Rd., Open the "select * from [SimDCResults -" + CStr (StationName) + "] ", ConnectSys, adOpenDynamic adLockOptimistic,
Rd. AddNew
Rd (" random operation code ")=simsjs
Rd (" session ")=NEi
Rd (" start time ")=FSTime (NEi)
Rd (" runoff depth error (%) ")=ErR
Rd (" flood peak error (%) ")=ErQ
Rd (" poor peak current (time))=SimI - ObsI
Rd (" certainty factor ")=NC
Rd. Update
Rd. Close
End the If
The Else
If FiOption=True Then
ConnectSys. Execute "delete * from [SimDState -" + CStr (StationName) + "] where (Dt) between "& amp; LongST & amp; "And" & amp; LongET & amp; "
"ConnectSys. Execute "delete * from [SimDResults -" + CStr (StationName) + "] where [time] between # "& amp; Format (FSTime (NEi), "YYYY - MM - DD) & amp; "# and #" & amp; Format (FETime (NEi), "YYYY - MM - DD) & amp; "#", "
With Rd
. Open the "select * from [SimDState -" + CStr (StationName) + "] ", ConnectSys, adOpenDynamic adLockOptimistic,
For I=1 To TS
FSTime0=DateAdd (" d ", 1, FSTime0)
LongST0=DatePart (yyyy, FSTime0) * 10000 + DatePart (" m ", FSTime0) * 100 + DatePart (" d ", FSTime0)
For j=1 To the Nsc
The AddNew
Rd (" Dt ")=LongST0
Rd (" Sub ")=j
Rd (" W ")=WW (j, I)
Rd (" Wu ")=WWu (j, I)
Rd (" Wl ")=WWl (j, I)
Rd (" S ")=SS (j, I)
Rd (" Fr ")=FFr (j, I)
. The Update
Next j
Next I
. Close
. Open the "select * from [SimDResults -" + CStr (StationName) + "] ", ConnectSys, adOpenDynamic adLockOptimistic,
For I=1 To TS
FSTime0=DateAdd (" d ", I - 1, FSTime (NEi))
The AddNew
Rd (" session ")=NEi
Rd (" time ")=FSTime0
Rd (" calculation flow ")=DQResult (I)
Rd (" the measured flow ")=ObsDQ (I)
Rd (" average rainfall ")=AvgP (I)
. The Update
Next I
. Close
End With
The Else