I have a database in Excel, which I use for creating a serial letter in Word via VBA. Now there is following issue:
- When I import the data in Word manually (Excel-sheet is closed), everything works fine. The formatted values (e.g. " - 1K", "1000 °C", "36:00", "17.11.2021") are imported as text and shown in the serial letter. Excel database and Word serial letter formatted
- When I import the data in Word manually (Excel-sheet is opened), only the values are imported and the format is discraded (e.g. "1", "1000", "1.5", "44517"). Additionally, they are imported as text and, hence, cannot be formatted via mailmerge functions (e.g. "@ "dd.MM.yyyy""). Word serial letter unformatted
- When I push the data from Excel into Word automatically via VBA (Excel-sheet is obviously opened), the problem is similar. (following code is probably not relevant)
'die Anzahl der Positionen defininieren
Dim n As Long
n = Worksheets("Eingabemaske").Range("BX2").Value 1 'Zeilen aus der Anzahl der Positionen bestimmen
'Nach Sachbearbeiter den LS (x bzw. y auswählen)
Dim Bearbeiterstandort As String
Bearbeiterstandort = Application.International(xlDecimalSeparator)
If InStr(Bearbeiterstandort, ".") > 0 Then
strSerienbrief1 = "Sinterauftrag PUNKT"
ElseIf InStr(Bearbeiterstandort, ",") > 0 Then
strSerienbrief1 = "Sinterauftrag KOMMA"
MsgBox "Support kontaktieren"
End If
strLaufwerkDateiname = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Serienbriefvorlagen\" & strSerienbrief1 & ".docx" 'Pfad und Dateinamen zusammenfügen
Set oWord = CreateObject("word.application")
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(strLaufwerkDateiname)
oWord.Visible = True
oWord.Application.Activate 'Dokument wird in den Vordergrund geholt
oDoc.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = 0 'wdFormLetters = 0. Gibt einen Typ von Seriendruckdokument an.
oDoc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:= _
ThisWorkbook.FullName _
, ConfirmConversions:=False, LinkToSource:=True, Connection:= _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Password="""";User ID=Admin;Data Source=" & _
ThisWorkbook.FullName & _
";Mode=Read;Extended Properties=""HDR=YES;IMEX=1;"";Je" _
, SQLStatement:="SELECT * FROM `Eingabemaske$`", SQLStatement1:="", SubType:=1 'hier das Blatt ändern
With oDoc.MailMerge
.Destination = 0 'wdSendToNewDocument = 0. Die Ergebnisse werden aus dem Serienbrief in ein neues Dokument übertragen.
.SuppressBlankLines = True 'Wenn Seriendruckfelder leer sind, werden die leere Zeilen im Seriendruckdokument unterdrückt.
With .DataSource
.FirstRecord = 1 'wdDefaultFirstRecord = 1. Aus dem Hauptdokument mit den Datensätzen 1 bis
.LastRecord = n 'wdDefaultLastRecord = -16. Zum letzten Datensatz zusammengeführt
End With
.Execute Pause:=False
End With
oDoc.Close SaveChanges:=0 'Das Seriendruckdokument wird ohne Speichern geschlossen
'Word Datei abspeichern
Dim dateiname As String
strLaufwerkDateiname2 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" 'Speicherpfad
teil1 = oWord.ActiveDocument.Words(1).Start 'Dateiname Start
teil2 = oWord.ActiveDocument.Words(2).End 'Dateiname Ende
dateiname = oWord.ActiveDocument.Range(teil1, teil2).Text 'Dateiname zusammensetzen
oWord.ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat outputfilename:=strLaufwerkDateiname2 & dateiname & ".pdf", exportformat:=wdExportFormatPDF 'PDF abspeichern
oWord.ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 Filename:=strLaufwerkDateiname2 & dateiname & ".docx" 'Word abspeichern
oWord.ActiveDocument.Close 'Datei schliessen
oWord.Application.Quit 'Word schliessen
Set oDoc = Nothing 'Dimension zurücksetzen
Set oWord = Nothing
- When the values are written as text (e.g. "' - 1K", "'1000 °C", "'36:00", "'17.11.2021") the problem is solved.
Now I would like ask you for a quick way to copy a formated value (so " - 1 K" and not just "1") from cell A1 and insert the formatted value as text to A2. I tried
Sheets("Eingabemaske").Range("b2:DA51") = Range("c52:Db102").Worksheet.Evaluate("index(text(B2:DA51,""'""),)")
but the result are just empty cells with "'" inserted.
The function
Range("K2").Value = Format(Range("J2"), "&")
only copies the value but maintains the format of the goal cell.
Does anybody have an idea how to import the formated values into a serial letter as text when excel is opened or how to replace all formatted values for a text with the same format?
CodePudding user response:
You can accomplish what you need as follows:
- Make a VBA function that returns the number format:
Public Function GetCellNumberFormat(R As Range) As String
GetCellNumberFormat = R.NumberFormat
End Function
- For each value you want to retrieve, create a second cell with a formula that explicitly converts the value to a text using the same formatting:
The result in the new cell will look the same as cell B3
in this example, but it will be text and not just a number.
- Use the value from the new cell when you import to your Word letter.
You can also use the new function directly in VBA and get its formatted text by using the worksheet function like this:
Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(R.Value, GetCellNumberFormat(R))
where R
is a Range
variable of a cell.
CodePudding user response:
A decades-old trick to saving numbers as text is real easy. I would imagine it saves processing time in long loops since no function is actually called.
Range("A2") = "'" & Range("B2")