Home > Software engineering >  WINSCP - Do not transfer whole local folder to remote directory but only files in it | exclude subdi
WINSCP - Do not transfer whole local folder to remote directory but only files in it | exclude subdi


I made an Powershell script that transfer .txt and .csv files from local folders to remote directories.

I would like to exclude the subdirectories and transfer only the .txt .csv files from my local folders.

$transferOptions.FileMask = "*.txt, *.csv |*/";

If I add here the exclude mask | */ the scripts does nothing. No files are transferred or excluded.

If I remove it, the script works, but the whole local info folder and its files are transferred to the remote directory.

I just want the .txt and .csv files to be remotely transferred and not the local folder itself.

This is how the transfer part of my script looks like:

    # Set the folder name variables
    $DirCustomerData = @("001201", "001753", "001952", "002587", "002833", "002863", "003150", "003716", 
   "004826", "003010", "004099", "006222", "002545", "006805", "001433", "006839")

    $LocalDir = "\customer_data\" $DirCustomerData[$i] "\info\"

    # Check for files
    if((Get-ChildItem $LocalDir | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0)
        "Local directory $LocalDir has currently no files. Skipping to next folder"
    } else {
        "Local directory $LocalDir contains " (Get-ChildItem $LocalDir -Recurse -File -Exclude -Directory | Measure-Object | %{$_.Count}) " files. Starting now FTP Upload Session..."
        # Retrieve the local files
        $LocalDirFiles = Get-ChildItem $LocalDir

        # Open the FTP Session
        $session = New-Object WinSCP.Session

        # Upload the files
        $transferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
        $transferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Binary
        $transferOptions.FileMask = "*.txt, *.csv";

        $RemoteDir = "/" $DirCustomerData[$i] "/info/"

        foreach ($LocalDirFiles in $LocalDir) {

            $transferResult = $session.PutFiles($LocalDir, $RemoteDir, $true, $transferOptions)
            # Throw on any error
            # Print results
            foreach ($transfer in $transferResult.Transfers)
                Write-Host "Upload of $($transfer.FileName) to remote FTP directory $RemoteDir succeeded."

Could you help me here to transfer only the required files and exclude the subdirectories? Thanks!

CodePudding user response:

The documentation for localPath argument of Session.PutFiles says:

Full path to local file or directory to upload. Filename in the path can be replaced with Windows wildcard to select multiple files. To upload all files in a directory, use mask *.

Your code is missing the mask, it should be:

$LocalDir = "\customer_data\" $DirCustomerData[$i] "\info\*"

Note the *. And the localDir variable name does not math the value's purpose.

More straightforward is to use Session.PutFilesToDirectory, which would work with your current path values:

$session.PutFilesToDirectory($LocalDir, $RemoteDir, $true, $transferOptions)
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