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Vue Firestore query. How to avoid duplication when Firestore updates data?


In an ionic vue app, I want to display some data from a Firebase Firestore in.

In the Firestore, I have a collection households with a subcollection entries. A user can be a member of a household and I want to display all entries of all households she is a member of.

I have an array entries in my data:

data() {
  return {
    entries: [],

I fill this array by making three nested queries against firebase:

  1. Get current user
  2. Get all households associated with current user
  3. Get all entries from all households for current user
beforeCreate: function () {
  auth.onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
    if (user) {
      // Get current uid
      let uid = user.uid;

      // Loop trough all households of user
      let userHouseholdIds = [];
        .where("members", "array-contains", uid)
        .onSnapshot((snapshotChange) => {
          snapshotChange.forEach((doc) => {

          userHouseholdIds.forEach((householdId) => {
            // Get household name
              .then((value) => {
                let householdId = value.id;
                let householdName = value.data().name;

                // Get household entries
                  .onSnapshot((snapshotChange) => {
                    snapshotChange.forEach((doc) => {
                      let newDoc = doc.data();
                      newDoc["id"] = doc.id;
                      newDoc["householdName"] = householdName;
                      newDoc["householdId"] = householdId;

Although I'm not sure if this is the way to go, this works as expected (so far).

However, when I make a change in an entry e1 in a household h1 directly in the Firestore console, every entry from h1 gets duplicated in the frontend.

I guess, I need a this.entries = [] somewhere before an update from Firestore comes in, but I cannot figure out where.

Am I on the right track? What would I need to modify to avoid the duplication? Thanks a lot!

CodePudding user response:

if you have to use 'onSnapshot' check change.type

.onSnapshot((snapshotChange) => {
    snapshotChange.docChanges().forEach(change => {
        if (change.type === 'added') {
        } else if (change.type === 'modified') {
        } else if (change.type === 'removed') {

If not, try using get()

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