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Efficiently extract duplicate/multiple paths with igraph


How can one extract duplicate paths from igraph and is there a more efficient way than the double loop in the example below? By duplicate/multiple paths I mean that the result should contain both B1 -> B2a -> B3 and B1 -> B2b -> B3. But my code does not yield that. The data:


d <- tribble(~input, ~output,
             "A1", "A2",
             "A2", "A3a",
             "A2", "A3b",
             "B1", "B2a",
             "B1", "B2b",
             "B2a", "B3",
             "B2b", "B3")

My analysis:

g <- graph_from_data_frame(d, directed = TRUE)
(finals <- V(g)[degree(g, mode = "out") == 0])
(starts <- V(g)[degree(g, mode = "in") == 0])
res_collect <- vector("list", length(starts) * length(finals))
tmp <- 1
for (i_s in seq_along(starts)) {
  for (i_f in seq_along(finals)) {
    res <- tryCatch(
        all_simple_paths(g, from = starts[[i_s]], to = finals[[i_f]])[[1]]
      error = function(cond) {
        message("failed at starts-nr=", i_s, ", finals-nr=", i_f); return(as.integer(NA))
    res_collect[[tmp]] <- res
    tmp <- tmp   1

The problem:

# [[1]]
#   3/8 vertices, named, from 60df173:
#   [1] A1  A2  A3a
# [[2]]
#   3/8 vertices, named, from 60df173:
#   [1] A1  A2  A3b
# [[3]]
#   3/8 vertices, named, from 60df173:
#   [1] B1  B2a B3 

1 path is missing: B1 -> B2b -> B3.

CodePudding user response:

You can try the code below

    function(x) {
      finals <- V(x)[degree(x, mode = "out") == 0]
      starts <- V(x)[degree(x, mode = "in") == 0]
      all_simple_paths(x, starts, finals)
  recursive = FALSE

which gives

  3/4 vertices, named, from fb6335c:
[1] A1  A2  A3a

  3/4 vertices, named, from fb6335c:
[1] A1  A2  A3b

  3/4 vertices, named, from fb6335c:
[1] B1  B2a B3

  3/4 vertices, named, from fb6335c:
[1] B1  B2b B3
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