I want to draw a difference-in-differences coefficient graph with 95ci.
Here is my data frame.
x coef stderr ci_lower ci_upper
t-3 .0005219 .0004025 -.000759 .0018028
t-2 .0008449 .0004205 -.0004935 .0021833
t-1 0 0 0 0
t .0009092 .0003047 -.0000604 .0018789
t 1 .0010828 .0002889 .0001634 .0020023
t 2 .0013157 .0001613 .0008022 .0018291
t 3 .001452 .0001755 .0008933 .0020106
Here is the code that I used. But it didn't work and not that informative
plt.errorbar(x=x, y=coef, yerr=ci_lower(?), color="black", capsize=3,
marker="s", markersize=7, mfc="black", mec="black")
Is there any way to have a regression coef graph like that?
Thanks in advance
CodePudding user response:
You should provide the data and also an example of the plot you like. Your data would be:
df = {'x': {0: 't-3', 1: 't-2', 2: 't-1', 3: 't', 4: 't 1', 5: 't 2', 6: 't 3'},
'coef': {0: 0.0005219,
1: 0.0008449,
2: 0.0,
3: 0.0009092,
4: 0.0010828,
5: 0.0013157,
6: 0.001452},
'stderr': {0: 0.0004025,
1: 0.0004205,
2: 0.0,
3: 0.0003047,
4: 0.0002889,
5: 0.0001613,
6: 0.0001755},
'ci_lower': {0: -0.000759,
1: -0.0004935,
2: 0.0,
3: -6.04e-05,
4: 0.0001634,
5: 0.0008022,
6: 0.0008933},
'ci_upper': {0: 0.0018028,
1: 0.0021833,
2: 0.0,
3: 0.0018789,
4: 0.0020023,
5: 0.0018291,
6: 0.0020106}}
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
I am guessing it is like:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
df.plot.scatter(x = "coef", y = "x",ax=ax)
for ix in df.index:
ax.plot(df[['ci_lower','ci_upper']].loc[ix].values, df.loc[ix,['x','x']].values,c="b")