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The zip file structure analysis


1, such as topic, now handle zip files, including files, folders, I want to extract the files in the folder, to extract alone, look up some information, also know some of the zip file structure,
Can be done now is in the zip a file decompression alone, but the folder in the zip file, don't know how to deal with the structure, environment,

2, could you tell me this kind of problem, should be put which threads

3, BBS let me knot posted a post, but the post is nobody reply, how can I way junction, integral to do, can you return

CodePudding user response:

Solve all of the ZIP file, and then compress want compressed folder again,

CodePudding user response:

The command line tools included with the Shell directly call unzip the zip,

CodePudding user response:

You try your reply, in they will get back to their own score,

CodePudding user response:

reference of123 reply: 3/f
you try your reply, in they will get back to their own score,
just look up the rules, didn't respond to a post, the original poster can be discovered, scores will return to the original poster,

CodePudding user response:

Unzipping files using the free Info - Zip Unzip DLL with VB

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor vansoft response:
solve all of the ZIP file, and then compress the want compressed folder again,

If hundreds of megabytes of file it is awkward,

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor zhao4zhong1 response:
Shell directly call unzip the zip command line tools,

This is to call DLL zip? The command line mode used

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor of123 response:
Quote: reference of123 reply: 3/f

You try your reply, in they will get back to their own score,
just look up the rules, didn't respond to a post, the original poster can be discovered, scores will return to the original poster,

Thank you, I try,

CodePudding user response:

I # 5 to your link, there is a complete code,
Back up level, and a few other zip,

CodePudding user response:

refer to 7th floor hktkzyz response:
Quote: refer to the second floor zhao4zhong1 response:

Shell directly call unzip the zip command line tools,

This is to call DLL zip? The command line mode used

Search "good command line parameters"

CodePudding user response:

Rar. Exe should have separate unzip a file of commands, specific see the command way books, good complex

CodePudding user response:

 C: \ Program Files \ WinRAR> Rar 

5.21 all rights reserved RAR (C) 1993-2015 Alexander Roshal 15 February 2015
Registered to HongXJ

Usage: rar & lt; Command & gt; - & lt; Parameter 1 & gt; - & lt; Parameter N>
<@ list file...>
A file is added to the compressed file
C to add zip file comments
Ch change compressed file parameter
The cw the compressed file notes written to the file
D delete files from the zip file
E extract file without the path of the compressed file
Update the files from the zip file f
I [par]=& lt; Str> Find the string in the compressed file
K lock compressed file
L [t [a], b] compressed file contents listed [technical [all], bare]
M [f] move to the compressed file [file] only
P to print file to stdout
R repair compressed file
Rc to rebuild the lost volume classification
Rn rename compressed file
The rr [N] adds data recovery record
The rv [N] create recovery volume classification
S [name | -] transformation for self-extracting compressed files or converting self-extracting compressed file
T test compressed file
U update files
in a compressed fileV [t [a], b] compressed file contents listed in detail [technical [all], bare]
X is extracted by full path to the file

Stop parameter scanning
@ [+] disable/enable file list
Ac compression or decompression after removal of archive attribute
AD a compressed file name is added to the target path
Ag [form] using the current date generated compressed file name
Ai ignore file attributes
Ao add file with compression attribute
ApAs synchronous compressed file content
C - disable comments show
CFG - disable reading configuration
Cl transformation name is lower case
Cu transformation name to uppercase
Df compressed files to delete the original file after
Dh open the Shared file
Dr Delete files to the recycle bin
Ds disabled for solid solid compressed file name sorting
Dw removal after compressed file file
E [+] Set properties file exclude and include
Ed don't add empty directory
Don't place 'end of the compressed file blocks en
Ep out path from the name
Ep1 excluded from the name of the base directory
Ep2 extension path to the full path to the
Ep3 extension including the full path to the path for the drive letter
F update file
HP/password encrypted file data and file header
Ht | c [b] choose for file checksum hash types [BLAKE2, CRC32]
Id [c, d, p, q] disable message
Ieml (addr) sent via email compressed file
Ierr all messages sent to stderr
Ilog [name] record errors to a file (registered version only)
Inul disable all messages
Ioff shut down the computer after done
Isnd enable voice
K lock compressed file
KB keep damage has been unzip the files
The log [f] [=name] will be written to the log file name
M<0.. 5> Set the compression level (0 - storage... 3 - the default... 5 - the largest)
Ma [4 | 5] compressed format specified a version of the
Mc Setting up the advanced compression parameters
Md [k, m, g] dictionary size display for KB, MB or GB
Ms/ext; ext specified file types to store
Mt Set the number of threads
N Additional include filters file
N @ from stdin to read the additional filter mask
N @ & lt; List> From the list file to read the additional filter mask
O [+ | -] set covering model
Oc set NTFS compression properties
Oh to save hard links as links rather than file
Oi [0 to 4] [: min] will be exactly the same file is saved as a reference
Ol [a] will be treated as symbolic links as links to the absolute path to the []
The or automatically rename files
OS preserve NTFS flow
Ow save or restore file owner and group
P/password password
P - don't query password
Qo [- | +] add quick open information [no] | mandatory
R recursive directory
R - disable recursive
R0 is only name wildcard recursive directory

[: & lt; S>] Set the priority (default, 0-1 - minimum.. 15 - the largest) and sleep time for ms
The rr [N] adds data recovery record

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