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Thread waitforsingleobject deadlocks


The following code
GetFileNameThread (PVOID lpParameter)
PNM_INFO NmInfo=lpParameter;

NtQueryInformationFile (NmInfo - & gt; HFile, & amp; IoStatus, & amp; NmInfo - & gt; Info,
Sizeof (NM_INFO) - sizeof (HANDLE), FileNameInformation);

return 0;

EXTERN_C void GetFileName (HANDLE hFile, PCHAR TheName)
HANDLE hThread;
PNM_INFO Info=HeapAlloc (hHeap, 0, sizeof (NM_INFO));

The Info - & gt; HFile=hFile;

HThread=CreateThread (NULL, 0, GetFileNameThread, Info, 0, NULL);

If (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (1, & amp; HThread,
The TerminateThread (hThread, 0);
The CloseHandle (hThread);

Memset (TheName, 0, MAX_PATH);

WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, Info - & gt; The Info. The FileName, Info - & gt; Info. FileNameLength & gt;> 1, TheName, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL);

HeapFree (hHeap, 0, Info);

The process and thread creation, the first 100 threads are no problem, but then when the waitforsingleobject child thread collapses, the main thread deadlock, beg to solve!

CodePudding user response:

"Windows core programming"

CodePudding user response:

What do you mean, this book have?

CodePudding user response:

Thread 'Win32 threads (0 x9b4) have withdrawn, the return value is - 1073741510 (0 xc000013a),
Thread 'Win32 threads (0 x2640) have withdrawn, the return value is - 1073741510 (0 xc000013a),
Thread 'Win32 threads (0 x2088) have withdrawn, the return value is - 1073741510 (0 xc000013a),
Program "[9648] cheumn. Exe: this machine" has quit, the return value is - 1073741510 (0 xc000013a),
After the deadlock is like this

CodePudding user response:

Every time is open to a problem with the 117th threads

CodePudding user response:

0 xc000013a failed to create a thread?

CodePudding user response:

Ah, this is a deadlock or creating failed, why the main thread to exit if create failure? By adjusting and I found that seems to have been the cause of the induction of this phenomenon is the same file handle

CodePudding user response:

This is stuck

CodePudding user response:

"The same file handle
"The log file!

CodePudding user response:

The return value of a variable initialization, testing each step,
DWORD WINAPI GetFileNameThread (PVOID lpParameter)
PNM_INFO NmInfo=(PNM_INFO lpParameter);
If (NmInfo)

NtQueryInformationFile (NmInfo - & gt; HFile, & amp; IoStatus, & amp; NmInfo - & gt; Info,
Sizeof (NM_INFO) - sizeof (HANDLE), FileNameInformation);
return 0;

EXTERN_C void GetFileName (HANDLE hFile, PCHAR TheName)
If (TheName)
Memset (TheName, 0, MAX_PATH);

PNM_INFO Info=(PNM_INFO) HeapAlloc (hHeap HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof (NM_INFO));

DWORD dwErr=0;

If (Info!=NULL)
The Info - & gt; HFile=hFile;

HThread=CreateThread (NULL, 0, GetFileNameThread, Info, 0, NULL);
If (hThread)
DWORD dwWait=WaitForSingleObject (hThread, INFINITE);
If (dwWait==WAIT_OBJECT_0)
WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, Info - & gt; The Info. The FileName, Info - & gt; Info. FileNameLength & gt;> 1,

OutputDebugStringA (TheName);
OutputDebugStringA (" \ r \ n ");
The else
DwErr=GetLastError ();
TRACE (_T (" WaitForSingleObject failed % u \ n "), dwErr);
The CloseHandle (hThread);
The else
DwErr=GetLastError ();
TRACE (_T (" CreateThread failed % u \ n "), dwErr);

HeapFree (hHeap, 0, Info);
The else
DwErr=GetLastError ();
TRACE (_T (" HeapAlloc failed % u \ n "), dwErr);


CodePudding user response:

Specific what to do, I am a little white, the great god to solve

CodePudding user response:

There is also a doubt is: the same handle, the handle work in named pipe, I create a thread is in order to get the pipe, the program's name piped goes like this:

But in front of the named pipe:

This can be, but just the named pipe not line, can also lead to the thread exits, why is this?

CodePudding user response:

Using a thread pool,

CodePudding user response:

Haven't solve ohoo...

CodePudding user response:

A named pipe is blocked waiting state enumeration so your code to handle to a named pipe will die lock away, and thread not threads do not have what relation,
GetFileInformationByHandleEx can't use? Want to write?
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