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horizontal and vertical join count in r dataframe


having a dataframe with sales per customer and months.

df <-
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
              date = c("jan","jan","jan","jan",
          customer = c("john","john","john","Mary",
           product = c("a","b","d","a","b","c",

   date customer product
1   jan     john       a
2   jan     john       b
3   jan     john       d
4   jan     Mary       a
5   jan     Mary       b
6   jan     Mary       c
7   jan     Mary       d
8   feb   Robert       a
9   feb   Robert       b
10  feb     Mary       c
11  feb     john       a
12  feb     john       c
13  feb   Robert       c
14  feb   Robert       d

I need to summarize how many times the same customer is present across months and products.

Expected result:

 date          a       b       c       d    same cust
  jan          2       2       1       2         0
  feb          2       1       2       0         1
  same cust    1       0       1       0    

CodePudding user response:

I don't know about the marginals, but for the main table


  date a b c d
1  feb 2 1 3 1
2  jan 2 2 1 2

CodePudding user response:

You can try

df %>% 
 pivot_wider(names_from = product, values_from = customer, values_fn = n_distinct) %>% 
  df %>% 
    count(product, customer) %>%
    group_by(product) %>% 
              date = "all") %>% 
    pivot_wider(names_from = product,values_from=n ))
# A tibble: 3 x 5
  date      a     b     d     c
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 jan       2     2     2     1
2 feb       2     1     1     3
3 all       1     0     0     1
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