Complete the following function to validate the move of a given chess piece and return True (boolean) if the move is valid or False(boolean) if the move is invalid. The chessboard is given below for your reference.
Function takes 3 arguments
piece can be a "Knight" or "Bishop"
currentpos(a string) is a combination of row and column it be anything between "a1" to "h8". currentpos represents the cell on the chessboard where the piece is currently located
nextpos(a string) is also a combination of row and column and can also be between from "a1" to "h8". nextpos represents the cell to which the piece is intended to be moved
I have a hard time understanding this question. Can anyone tell me the correct approach for this problem?
def valid_move_or_not(piece,currentpos,nextpos):
#Write your code here
return True
if __name__=='__main__':
#you can run your tests here
CodePudding user response:
It asks you to code the move rule of chess pieces. You can google if you are not familiar with chess.
As a simple example, you can check the validity of a Rook move like below
def valid_move_or_not(piece,currentpos,nextpos):
if currentpos == nextpos:
return False
if piece == 'Rook':
return (currentpos[0] == nextpos[0]) or (currentpos[1] == nextpos[1])
CodePudding user response:
if piece == "Bishop":
return (currentpos[0] != nextpos[0] or currentpos[1] 2 == nextpos[1])
This logic failing one of seven testcases.