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Typescript Type for Binary string


I would like to define a type that enforces each character be '1'|'0'

type Binary = '1'|'0'

this works, but only with a string length of 1. Is there any way to define the type as 1 or 0 repeating?

Also curious if there is a way to enforce length? This is the only thing I could come up with

type BinaryInput = `${Binary}${Binary}${Binary}${Binary}${Binary}`;

CodePudding user response:

If you just want type safety at the interfaces of your API, you can use a type that extends string and is impossible to obtain without assertion (I don't know what this is called, but I like the name "snowflake type"). Then use a type guard to validate the strings (or simply assert the type if you're sure and need the performance gain of skipping the runtime check).

TS Playground link

type Binary<N extends number = number> = string & {
  readonly BinaryStringLength: unique symbol;
  length: N;

class AssertionError extends Error {
  name = 'AssertionError';

function assertIsBinaryString <L extends number>(
  str: string,
  length?: L,
): asserts str is Binary<L> {
  if (typeof length === 'number' && str.length !== length) {
    throw new AssertionError('Binary string has invalid length');

  for (const unit of str) {
    if (unit !== '0' && unit !== '1') {
      throw new AssertionError('Invalid character in binary string');

// Use:

function asDecimal (bStr: Binary): number {
  return parseInt(bStr, 2);

function byteAsChar (byte: Binary<8>): string {
  return new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array([asDecimal(byte)]));

let str = '00100100';
// console.log(asDecimal(str)); // string not assignable to Binary
/*                       ^^^
                      Error 2345 */

console.log(asDecimal(str)); // ok now => 36

// console.log(byteAsChar(str)); // Binary<number> not assignable to Binary<8> because number not assignable to 8
/*                        ^^^
                      Error 2345 */

assertIsBinaryString(str, 8);
console.log(byteAsChar(str)); // ok now => "$"

CodePudding user response:

This answer was given for enforcing Hex strings: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56720473/11838606

See if you can adapt it for Binary strings.

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