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How to handle a reference to the request object references to a Shared members?


 Public Class Form2 
Private Property T1 As Object
Private Property T2 As Object
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
Dim usename As String, PWD As String
Usename=LCase (Trim (T1) Text))
The PWD=T2. Text
If usename="admin" Then
If the PWD="123456" Then
Unload (Me)
Form. The Show ()
The Else
MsgBox "wrong password!" VbOKOnly + vbInformation: "prompt"
T2. SetFocus ()
T2. SelLengtth=99
End the If
The Else
MsgBox (" user name wrong!
")End the If
End Sub
Private Sub Unload (ByVal form2 As form2)
Throw New NotImplementedException
End Sub
The End of the Class

Consult each great god, please give advice or comments, I am a beginner, many do not understand, to meet you

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