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How to smooth the edges of the do curve fitting


As is shown above, I have a lot of sawtooth, extract the edge of the think through curve fitting to solve, now encountered several problems
1, my curve fitting choice is Bessel equation curve fitting, but this method requires the use of a point before and after a point for the calculation of control points, which would require data points should have order, I use of opencv findcontours function to obtain the image contour point set, do not know to have order,,,
2, before taking a curve fitting of the need to extract the first corner?
3, there is the order of the other data points does not require a curve fitting method?

CodePudding user response:

Can try three times five is smooth

CodePudding user response:

 # include "opencv2/highgui/highgui. HPP" 
# include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc HPP"
# include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c. H"
using namespace std;
Using the namespace CV;
Mat img, smallImg, gray, bw;
VectorVector Contours.
Int threshval=128;
The Rect r;
The Rect maxrect brect;
Int independence idx, n;
Const static Scalar colors [15]={
CV_RGB (0, 0128),
CV_RGB (0128, 0),
CV_RGB (0128128),
CV_RGB (128, 0, 0),
CV_RGB (128, 0128),
CV_RGB (128128, 0),
CV_RGB (128128128),
CV_RGB (160160160),
CV_RGB (0, 0255),
CV_RGB (0255, 0),
CV_RGB (0255255),
CV_RGB (255, 0, 0),
CV_RGB (255, 0255),
CV_RGB (255255, 0),
CV_RGB (255255255),
Scalar color;
Void gamma_correct (Mat& Img, Mat& DST, double gamma) {
Mat temp.
CvMat TMP.

Img. ConvertTo (temp, CV_32FC1, 1.0/255.0, 0.0);
CvPow (& amp; TMP, & amp; TMP, gamma);
Temp. ConvertTo (DST, CV_8UC1, 255.0, 0.0);
Int main () {
CvNamedWindow (" display ", 1);
Img=imread (" image. JPG ", 1);
R.x=img. Cols/10;
R.y=img. Rows/3;
Truly idth=img. Cols * 8/10;
R.h. eight=img. Rows * 2/3;
SmallImg=img (r);
CvtColor (smallImg, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
//medianBlur (gray, gray, 5);
EqualizeHist (gray, gray);
Gamma_correct (gray, gray, 4.0);
Imshow (" display ", gray);

Bw=(gray> Threshval);
Imshow (" display ", bw);

Mat Structure0=getStructuringElement (MORPH_RECT, Size (3, 3));
Erode (bw, bw, Structure0, Point (1, 1));
Mat Structure1=getStructuringElement (MORPH_RECT, Size (6, 6));
Dilate (bw, bw, Structure1, Point (1, 1));
Imshow (" display ", bw);

FindContours (bw, contours, hierarchy, RETR_EXTERNAL CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
if (! Contours. The empty () & amp; & ! Hierarchy. The empty ()) {
Independence idx=0;
Vector Approx.
for (; Idx>=0; Independence idx=hierarchy [independence idx] [0]) {
Color=colors [15] independence idx %;
//drawContours (smallImg, contours, independence idx, color, and 1, 8, hierarchy);
ApproxPolyDP (Mat (contours [independence idx]), approx, arcLength (Mat (contours [independence idx]), true) * 0.005, true);//0.005 will flash straightening coefficient
Const Point * p=& amp; Approx [0].
Int m=(int) approx. The size ();
Polylines (smallImg, & amp; P, & amp; M, 1, true, color);
Circle (smallImg, Point (p [0]. X, p [0]. Y), 3, color);
Circle (smallImg, Point (p [1]. X, p [1]. Y), 2, color);
For (int I=2; in++;
If (1==n) {
Maxrect=boundingRect (Mat (contours [independence idx]));
} else {
Brect=boundingRect (Mat (contours [independence idx]));
CvRect Mr (maxrect), br (brect);
Maxrect=cvMaxRect (& amp; Mr, & amp; Br);
Circle (smallImg, Point (maxrect. X + maxrect. Width/2, maxrect. Y + maxrect. Height/2), 2, CV_RGB (0, 255));
Imshow (" display ", smallImg);
CvDestroyWindow (" display ");
return 0;

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor zgl7903 response:
can try three times five smooth
five point three times smoothing is not a smooth way of isometric point? I figure, it is a point of x, y is messy, not equidistant

CodePudding user response:

Bessel equation has nothing to do with the point of order, your picture is not smooth because you passed to the Bessel's equation of the variable is less than three, curve must be higher than the second order Bessel's equation,

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor YinJey_YaDaun response:
Bessel equation has nothing to do with the point of order, your image rendering is not smooth because you passed to the Bessel's equation of the variable is less than three, curve must be higher than the second order Bessel equation,

How I do beisaier interpolation, and point of order or not? The control points are in the process of interpolation points according to the data before and after each point is needed to calculate the ah, passed to the beisaier variables in the equation?

ABCD is according to the data points of ah

CodePudding user response:

reference 5 floor weixin_40623627 reply:
I do beisaier interpolation is, how can order and point is not? The control points are in the process of interpolation points according to the data before and after each point is needed to calculate the ah, passed to the beisaier variables in the equation?

ABCD is according to the data points for ah

Bessel equation, you need to understand your error because you do not understand equation of meaning,

CodePudding user response:

refer to 6th floor YinJey_YaDaun response:
Quote: refer to the fifth floor weixin_40623627 reply:

How I do beisaier interpolation, and point of order or not? The control points are in the process of interpolation points according to the data before and after each point is needed to calculate the ah, passed to the beisaier variables in the equation?

ABCD is according to the data points for ah

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