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How to convert rows into columns in SQL Server or in C# code behind


I'm lost how to do this, I've tried the pivot answer on another post but doesn't work or I'm getting confused how to structure the query. The data from a multi join table.

Questions table - (questions are dynamic every session)

qid Question order
1 Do you like to play? 1
2 Do you have a car? 2
3 Do you have a job? 3

Participant table:

id empID participant surveyYr
1 e123 Tony 2021
2 e456 John 2021
3 e789 Leo 2021

Answers table (answers are nullable):

id pid Answer qid_fk
1 1 Yes 1
2 1 No 2
3 1 Yes 3
4 2 Yes 1
5 2 NULL 2
6 2 NULL 3
7 3 Yes 1
8 3 Yes 2
9 4 Yes 3


    q.question, a.answer, p.empID, p.participant 
    questions q 
Left Join 
    answers a on a.questionID_fk = q.qid
Left Join 
    participant p on p.id = a.pid


question answer empID participant
Do you like to play? Yes e123 Tony
Do you have a car? No e123 Tony
Do you have a job? Yes e123 Tony
Do you like to play? Yes e456 John
Do you have a car? NULL e456 John
Do you have a job? NULL e456 John
Do you like to play? Yes e789 Leo
Do you have a car? Yes e789 Leo
Do you have a job? Yes e789 Leo

Expected output after conversion:

EmpID participant Do you like to play? Do you have a car? Do you have a job?
e123 Tony Yes No Yes
e456 John Yes NULL NULL
e789 Leo Yes Yes Yes

Is this doable in T-SQL? Or is there a workaround on the code behind? I will be also using datatable js library to output this.

CodePudding user response:

Going off of @R.Abbasi's recommendation for a pivot, here is how you can implement one:

with temp as (
        q.question, a.answer, p.empID, p.participant 
        questions q 
    Left Join 
        answers a on a.questionID_fk = q.qid
    Left Join 
        participant p on p.id = a.pid
select *
from temp
pivot(max(answer) for question in ([Do you like to play?],[Do you have a car?],[Do you have a job?])) pt
where empID is not null
order by empID

I moved your current query into a CTE and then pivoted on that.

Just an FYI, your example data didn't have a "Yes" for Leo on "Do you have a job?", so my example will display a NULL instead of "Yes".

Example Results

However, if your questions are going to be dynamic, you'll need to setup a dynamic pivot.

CodePudding user response:

You can use the pivot operator in SQL Server. If you want to know more about how pivot works, look at this link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/queries/from-using-pivot-and-unpivot?view=sql-server-ver15

For using pivot in c# linq queries, follow this question: Is it possible to Pivot data using LINQ?

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