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ion-select selected value in loop


So Im making an app with IONIC. Im using the tag ion-select & ion-select-option to make it possible to select one or multiple options and send these to typescript (works so far).

Now I want that someone is able to edit their options. This means some of the ion-select-option should be [selected] (checked true).

Does anyone know if that is possible? I am using 2 different arrays for this.

user.companies (all the companies a user has added to the application)

blocked.companies (all the blocked companies an used has added to their blocked contact) I am using user.companies to display all the ion-select-option choices (the companies to select)

If the ion-select-option value exists in the blocked.companies array is should be selected

This is my code. If more clarification is needed please tell me and I will provide it. Thanks


<ion-select multiple="true" [(ngModel)]="selectedCompanies"  placeholder="Add one or more companies" text="Hello" okText="Ok" cancelText="Dismiss">
    <ion-select-option selected="{{isSelected}}" *ngFor="let company of user.company; let i=index" value="{{company.company_name}}">{{company.company_name}}</ion-select-option>


import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { ModalController} from '@ionic/angular';
import { LoginService } from 'src/app/login.service';

  selector: 'edit-blocked',
  templateUrl: './edit-blocked.page.html',
  styleUrls: ['./edit-blocked.page.scss'],
export class EditBlockedPage implements OnInit {
  user = this.loginSrvc.user;
  blocked = this.loginSrvc.editNumber;
  blockedToggle: any;
  minDate = new Date().toISOString();
  selectedCompanies = [];

  isSelected = false;

  constructor(private modalController: ModalController, private loginSrvc: LoginService) {}



      "blocked": [
          "name":"X X",
          "companies": [

"user": [
      "id": 1,
      "gender": "0",
      "fullname": "X X",
      "number": "06-12345678",
      "mail": "[email protected]",
      "password": "admin1",
      "company": [
          "company_id": 1,
          "company_name": "Company1",
          "company_id": 2,
          "company_name": "Company2",
          "company_id": 3,
          "company_name": "Company3",
          "company_id": 4,
          "company_name": "Company4",

CodePudding user response:

Let suppose You have company1,2,3 selected by default. In this case You should only add an array of their values.

selectedCompanies:Array<string> = ['Company1', 'Company2', 'Company3']

CodePudding user response:

html file:

    <ion-select multiple="true" [(ngModel)]="selectedCompanies"  placeholder="Add one or more companies" text="Hello" okText="Ok" cancelText="Dismiss">
    <ion-select-option  *ngFor="let company of filtredCompanies; let i=index" value="{{company}}">{{company}}</ion-select-option>

ts file:

get filtredCompanies(){
let blockedCompanies : Array<string> = this.yourJsonData.blocked.companies
let userCompanies:Array<string> = this.user.company
let filtredCompanies =[]


//if You want reversed filter


return filtredCompanies;
return [];


I home this answer could fix your issue.

CodePudding user response:

I found the solution with changing the HTML code

<ion-select multiple="true" [(ngModel)]="selectedCompanies"  placeholder="Add one or more companies" text="Hello" okText="Ok" cancelText="Dismiss">
    <ion-select-option selected="{{isSelected}}" *ngFor="let company of user.company; let i=index" value="{{company.company_name}}">{{company.company_name}}</ion-select-option>


<ion-select multiple="true"  placeholder="Add one or more activities" text="Hello" okText="Ok" cancelText="Dismiss" (ionChange)="activitySelect($event)">
          <ion-select-option *ngFor="let activity of user.activity; let i=index" value="{{activity.activity_name}}">{{activity.activity_name}}</ion-select-option>

What I did change is removing the [(ngModel)] what made it not possible to use selected to start with. Next I changed the




This way I loop throught the blocked.companies, and if it includes the userCompany it will return true and enable selected.

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