I want to get availableSlots = allSlots-bookedSlots and here is the code, Please help!
final List<timeSlot> allSlots=
TimeSlot(time: '6PM-7PM', isSelected: false),
TimeSlot(time: '7PM-8PM', isSelected: false),
TimeSlot(time: '8PM-9PM', isSelected: false),
final List<timeSlot> bookedSlots=
TimeSlot(time: '6PM-7PM', isSelected: false),
TimeSlot(time: '7PM-8PM', isSelected: false),
here is the TimeSlot class
class TimeSlot {
String time;
bool isSelected;
TimeSlot({this.isSelected, this.time});
CodePudding user response:
Copy the code below into the dartpad if you wanted to test:
void main() {
final List<TimeSlot> allSlots=
TimeSlot(time: '6PM-7PM', isSelected: false),
TimeSlot(time: '7PM-8PM', isSelected: false),
TimeSlot(time: '8PM-9PM', isSelected: false),
final List<TimeSlot> bookedSlots=
TimeSlot(time: '6PM-7PM', isSelected: false),
TimeSlot(time: '7PM-8PM', isSelected: false),
List<TimeSlot> availableSlots = allSlots.where((item) => !bookedSlots.contains(item)).toList();
class TimeSlot {
String? time;
bool? isSelected;
TimeSlot({this.isSelected, this.time});
bool operator==(Object other) {
return other is TimeSlot && other.time == time &&other.isSelected == isSelected;
String toString() => '''TimeSlot {
time: $time,
isSelected: $isSelected,