above problems o great god help me to change a
The code below
# include "CV. H"
# include "highgui. H"
H # include "Windows."
# ifdef _EiC
# define WIN32
# endif
The static CvMemStorage * storage=0;
The static CvHaarClassifierCascade * cascade=0;
Void detect_and_draw (IplImage * image);
Const char * cascade_name=
"Haarcascade_frontalface_alt. XML";
/* "haarcascade_profileface. XML"; */
Int main (int arg c, char * * argv)
//HWND MyWin;
Cascade_name="haarcascade_frontalface_alt2. XML";
Cascade=(CvHaarClassifierCascade *) cvLoad (cascade_name, 0, 0, 0).
//CvCapture * pCap=cvCreateCameraCapture (1);//- 1 can be here, but my computer is showing YouCam software,
////OpenCV will invoke the camera by default, and not call system drive
//IplImage * frame=NULL;
//if (cvCreateCameraCapture==NULL)
//return (0);
//cvNamedWindow (" Camera, "CV_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN);
//while ((frame=cvQueryFrame (pCap))!=0 & amp; & CvWaitKey (20).=27)
//frame=cvQueryFrame (pCap);
//cvShowImage (" Camera, "frame).
//cvReleaseCapture (& amp; PCap);
//cvDestroyWindow (" Camera ");
if( ! Cascade)
Fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Could not load classifier cascade \ n");
return -1;
Storage=cvCreateMemStorage (0);
//cvNamedWindow (" result ", 1);
//const char * filename="op. JPG";
//IplImage * image=cvLoadImage (filename, 1);
//if (image)
//detect_and_draw (image);
//cvWaitKey (0);
//cvReleaseImage (& amp; Image);
//cvDestroyWindow (" result ");
//CvCapture is a structure that is used to store image capture the required information,
//opencv provides two ways from the external image capture, one from the camera,
//is obtained by decoding video images, two ways must be from the first frame of a frame is a frame
//in order to obtain, so always keep after each frame to obtain the corresponding condition and parameter,
//get from video file, for example, need to keep the video file name, the corresponding * * * * * *
//type, next time if you want to get which will need to decode a frame and so on, this information is stored in the
//CvCapture structure, each get a frame, after all these information will be updated, for the next frame
//need to new information to obtain API interface
CvCapture * capture=0;
//IplImage is a structure type, used to hold a frame of image information, which is a frame
//image of all pixels of a matrix
Frame IplImage * and * frame_copy=0;
//create a window, with the "result" as a window identifier
CvNamedWindow (" source ", 1);
//initialize a video capture operation,
//tell the capture of the underlying API. I'd like to Capture1 avi capture images,
//the underlying API will detect and select the corresponding * * * * * * and prepare
The capture=cvCaptureFromFile (" papi. Avi ");
//if the initialization failed, then the capture as null pointer, the program stops,
//otherwise enter capture cyclic
If (capture)
//capture cycle
For (;; )
//call cvGrabFrame, let the underlying API decode a frame image
//if decoding failure, will exit the loop
//if successful, the decoded images stored in the underlying API cache
if( ! CvGrabFrame (capture))
//will get the image decoding information from the cache converted into IplImage format in the frame for
Frame=cvRetrieveFrame (capture);
//if failed to get the cache or conversion, the exit loop
if( ! Frame)
Detect_and_draw (frame);
//the frame of the image information shown in the result window
//detect_and_draw (frame);
CvShowImage (" source ", the frame);
//pause for a moment, let you look at the picture
//Sleep (10);
//if you knock on the keyboard, then exit the program, or continue to capture the next frame
If (cvWaitKey (10) & gt;=0)
//to clear up the stack memory before exit the program, so that memory leaks
//cvReleaseImage (& amp; Frame); Note don't need it, because the frame is to capture the video, not allocate memory alone, without release, when released the capture frame naturally released,
//exit before the end of the underlying API capture operation, lest they manger
//such as will make the other programs can access has been opened their files
CvReleaseCapture (& amp; The capture);
CvDestroyWindow (" source ");
//cvDestroyWindow (" result ");
return 0;
Void detect_and_draw (IplImage * img)
Double scale=1.2;
The static CvScalar colors []={
,0,255 {{0}}, {{0128255}}, {{0255255}}, {{0255, 0}},
{{255128, 0}}, {{255255, 0}}, {{0, 255}}, {{255,0,255}}
};//Just some pretty colors to the draw with
//Image Preparation
IplImage * gray=cvCreateImage (cvSize (img - & gt; Width, img - & gt; Height), 8, 1);
IplImage * small_img=cvCreateImage (cvSize (cvRound (img - & gt; Width/scale), cvRound (img - & gt; Height/scale)), 8, 1);
CvCvtColor (img, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
CvResize (gray, small_img CV_INTER_LINEAR);
CvEqualizeHist (small_img small_img);//histogram equalization
//Detect objects if any