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Bosses help me (course design to use MFC to do)


The design plan descriptions of the object-oriented programming (vc + +) course to use MFC to do
Subject students information management system design
1 development platform: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
2. Problem description
Student information including: student id, name, gender, age, class information, such as primary school students in addition to including all information, including height, body weight and the household registration, middle school students in addition to all information including primary school students, including awards, the information such as home address, college students in addition to all information including students, also includes professional, contact information,
3, the functional requirements
1. Data storage: all the data through text files, database or other storage way,
2. Log in function: by serial number and password authentication to judge whether it is a valid user,
3. Add features: programs can add different students' records, providing choice interface for users to choose to add a category, requires only student number, if you add the repeat records of student id, indicates that the data add repeat and cancel add,
4. The query function: according to the student id, name and other information to the student record of the query, if not found, gives the corresponding message, if found, displays the corresponding record information,
8. Display function: with a CListCtrl or other controls showed that all the students in the current system of information,
9. Editing features: can be according to the records of the results of the query to the appropriate modified, modified the uniqueness of note number,
10. Delete function: the main implementation of added course record and course information to delete, if there is no corresponding record in the current system, the prompt "record is empty!" And return operation,
11. Statistics (optional) : can, according to a variety of parameters to account the number of students, by sex, by age, statistics, etc.,
4, solutions to the problem of
According to the system functional requirements, problem solving can be divided into the following steps:
(1) the application of system analysis, the establishment of function module diagram of this system, and the interface of the organization and design;
(2) analysis of each entity in the system and the relationship between them;
(3) according to the problem description, design system of class hierarchy;
(4) to complete the description of the various classes in class hierarchy;
(5) to complete each member function definition in the class;
(6) complete system application module;
(7) function debugging;
(8) to complete the system summary report,

CodePudding user response:

Not very urgent, please help me

CodePudding user response:

Since it is their task also learn to look, so completed oneself also has a lot of harvest, and don't do it makes no difference

CodePudding user response:

Class didn't catch that, really do not come on, don't know where to start

CodePudding user response:

This can use VC6 to do it, can you teach I can

CodePudding user response:

Really don't, ask for help

CodePudding user response:

You can try to do first, have a question to ask, you this directly to jilt a curriculum design

CodePudding user response:

It looks like, just do a login interface + student information (add, delete, edit) + student information query interface (according to the student id, name), as for the "delete function: the main implementation of added course record and course information to delete" carry in a course record is I don't understand,

Come on, how much reward

CodePudding user response:

Of new said don't know how to reward,,

CodePudding user response:

To connect to the database

CodePudding user response:

refer to 6th floor zhao3132453 response:
you can try to do first, have a question to ask, you this directly to jilt a curriculum design
give a contact, I have a question for you

CodePudding user response:

Is to do a simple add and delete, students also don't be so lazy,
Can't speak from morning till night, let others to do for you, will you?

CodePudding user response:

If you really want to learn this, or a line of knock yourself, there should be a similar example on the net,

CodePudding user response:

11 references sichuanpb response:
is a simple add and delete, do students also don't be so lazy,
Can't speak from morning till night, let others to do for you, will you?

refer to 12 floor cwj976277916 reply:
if you really want to learn this, or a line of knock yourself, there should be a similar example, online
MFC dialog box, connect to the database didn't understand, can give a contact number

CodePudding user response:

Don't understand to learn MFC database connection mysql
Design an interface, where don't understand asked, so you can progress

CodePudding user response:

On the 14th floor shiyanbo_1006
reference response:
don't understand to learn MFC database connection mysql
Design an interface, where don't understand asked, so you can progress
can give you a QQ, ask questions easier
On Sunday, want to hand in

CodePudding user response:

Go to the library to find books, according to do it again

CodePudding user response:

Suggest you look for a book, this kind of things have a plenty of the book
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