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reading large file uses 100% memory and my whole pc frozes


I have made a simple app that encrypts and decrypts files. but when i load a large file like a 2gb, my program uses 100% of the memory. I use multiprocessing and multi threading.

poolSize = min(cpu_count(), len(fileList))
process_pool = Pool(poolSize)
thread_pool = ThreadPool(len(fileList))

lock = Lock()
worker = partial(encfile, process_pool, lock)

thread_pool.map(worker, fileList)
def encfile(process_pool, lock, file):
    with open(file, 'rb') as original_file:
        original = original_file.read()

    encrypted = process_pool.apply(encryptfn, args=(key, original,))

    with open (file, 'wb') as encrypted_file:

CodePudding user response:

This is my general idea:

Since memory is a problem, you have to read the files in smaller chunks, say 64K pieces and encrypt each 64K block and write those out. Of course, the encrypted block will have a length other than 64K so the problem becomes how to decrypt. So each encrypted block must be prefixed with a fixed-length header that is nothing more than the length of the following encrypted block encoded as a 4-byte unsigned integer (which should be way more than adequate). The decryption algorithm loop first reads the next 4-byte length and then know from that how many bytes long is the encrypted block that follows.

By the way, there is no need to pass to encfile a lock if you are not using it to, for example, count files processed.

from tempfile import mkstemp
from os import fdopen, replace

BLOCKSIZE = 64 * 1024

def encfile(process_pool, lock, file):
    Encrypt file in place.

    fd, path = mkstemp() # make a temporary file

    with open(file, 'rb') as original_file, \
    fdopen (fd, 'wb') as encrypted_file:
        while True:
            original = original_file.read(BLOCKSIZE)
            if not original:
            encrypted = process_pool.apply(encryptfn, args=(key, original))
            l = len(encrypted)
            l_bytes = l.to_bytes(ENCRYPTED_HEADER_LENGTH, 'big')
    replace(path, file)

def decfile(file):
    Decrypt files in place.

    fd, path = mkstemp() # make a temporary file

    with open(file, 'rb') as encrypted_file, \
    fdopen (fd, 'wb') as original_file:
        while True:
            l_bytes = encrypted_file.read(ENCRYPTED_HEADER_LENGTH)
            if not l_bytes:
            l = int.from_bytes(l_bytes, 'big')
            encrypted = encrypted_file.read(l)
            decrypted = decryptfn(key, encrypted)
    replace(path, file)
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