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Translator on python not working, coming with error saying 'BaseBlob.translate() got an unexpec


from tkinter.constants import COMMAND
from typing import Text
from PIL import Image, ImageSequence, ImageTk
from googletrans.constants import LANGUAGES
import inflect
from googletrans import Translator
from tkinter.ttk import * 
import textblob

root = tk.Tk()

#Makes the title of the application say INTEGER CONVERTER
root.title('INTEGER CONVERTER | By The Brute Force')

#Sets the size to 1280x720

#Makes the background as an image
back = tk.PhotoImage(file="number.png")
backLabel = tk.Label(root, image=back)
backLabel.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1,)

#The Title saying 'INTEGER CONVERTER'
titleText = tk.Label(root, text="INTEGER CONVERTER")
titleText.config(font= ("Wrong Delivery", 50), bg="black", fg="white",)

#The subtext saying 'By: The Brute Force'
subText = tk.Label(root, text="BY THE BRUTE FORCE")
subText.config(font= ("Wrong Delivery", 15), bg="black", fg="white")

subText2 = tk.Label(root, text="ENTER NUMBER BELOW")
subText2.config(font= ("Wrong Delivery", 15), bg="black", fg="white")

inputBox = tk.Entry(root, bg = "white", fg="black", font =("Wrong Delivery", 30),)
inputBox.place(width=100, height=100)

languages = LANGUAGES
languageList = list(languages.values())

#altResult = tk.Label(root, text='')
global word
def numberConverter():  
    global languages
    global word
    global result
    global altResult
    converter = inflect.engine()
    number = inputBox.get()
    word = converter.number_to_words(number)
        result.config(font=("Wrong Delivery", 30), bg="black", fg="white", text=word.upper(), wraplength=700,  justify="center")

    except ValueError:
        result.config(font=("Wrong Delivery", 30), bg="black", fg="white", text="PLEASE ENTER A NUMBER!")
    #the translator
        for key, value in languages.items():
            if (value == languageCombo.get()):
                toLanguageKey = key
        textBlobWords = textblob.TextBlob(word)

        textBlobWords = textBlobWords.translate(src='en', dest=toLanguageKey)

        result.config(font=("Wrong Delivery", 30), bg="black", fg="white", text=textBlobWords)
    except Exception as e:
        tk.messagebox.showerror("Translator", e)

   # translator = Translator(languageCombo.get())
   # translation = translator.translate(word)
   # result.config(font=("Wrong Delivery", 50), bg="white", fg="white", text=translation)

enterButton = tk.Button(root, font=("Wrong Delivery", 20 ), text="CONVERT!", command=numberConverter)

output = tk.Label(root, text='OUTPUT ', font=("Wrong Delivery", 20), bg="black", fg="white")

result = tk.Label(root, text='', bg ="black")

languageChoice = tk.Label(root, text='CHOOSE LANGUAGE', font=("Wrong Delivery", 15), bg="black", fg="white")
languageChoice.place(x=20, y=630)

languageCombo = Combobox(root, width=50, value=languageList)
languageCombo.place(x=20, y= 660)
theLanguage = languageCombo.get()



The code basically asks user to input a number and converts it into the spelling for the number, I need to make a translator for the output. On the GUI it has a combo/dropdown box and the user can select what language it needs to be translated to. However the code does not work. What should I do? Whenever I change the Language an error saying 'BaseBlob.translate() got an unexpected keyword argument' comes up (i made it so a message box shows an error).

CodePudding user response:

According to TextBlob documentation, the arguments for translate are from_lang and to, so your translation line should be:

textBlobWords = textBlobWords.translate(from_lang='en', to=toLanguageKey)
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