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Get Items from a Listbox in WPF and write in other List


Ive created a Listbox in Wpf with a Itemtemplate and Datatemplate:

<ListBox Name="LBox" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" Grid.Column="2" SelectionMode="Single">
                        <TextBlock x:Name="LTxtBox" Text="{Binding NAME}" Grid.Column="0"/>
                        <ProgressBar x:Name="PBarLbox" Grid.Column="1" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" Value="{Binding FORTSCHRITT}" />

I can add/change/Remove Items in my listbox.

Now ive tried to save the Items in a txt file. If i Add a item, its work well, i can save them in my txt File.

Now ive tried to save changes in my Listbox, but how can i get access to my Items in a Listbox? .

Here is the Code behind for my Observable List and Property Class.

private ObservableCollection<TodoItem> Todo =new ObservableCollection<TodoItem>();
    public class TodoItem : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public string NAME { get; set; }
        public int FORTSCHRITT{ get; set; }
        public string Name
            get { return this.NAME; }
                if (this.NAME != value)
                    this.NAME = value;
        public int fortschritt
            get { return this.FORTSCHRITT; }
                if (this.FORTSCHRITT != value)
                    this.FORTSCHRITT = value;
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

        public void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propName)
            if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
                this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName));

My thought was, if im gonna to close my Window, Override the old List with the new Changed Items in my Listbox.

For this ive Created a Window close Event:

void DataWindow_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
    {  // TODO
       // Wenn er das Fenster schließt soll er alle Daten die im ToDo Fenster sind speichern und die alte Datei Überschreiben.

Ive tried with For each to get access, ive tried for loops but i cant get access.


List<string> list = new List<string>();
            string[] arr;
            foreach (var x in LBox.Items) 
            arr= list.ToArray();
            string display=String.Join(Environment.NewLine, arr);

I can see That he got access to the items but he print the following: enter image description here

How can i print the right values ?

CodePudding user response:

You should not access the control to get the data items. Rather access the source collection directly:


class MainViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
  public ObservableCollection<TodoItem> TodoItems { get; }

  public MainViewModel()
    this TodoItems = new ObservableCollection<TodoItem>();

  public async Task SaveDataAsync()
    var fileContentBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (TodoItem todoItem in TodoItems)
      fileContentBuilder.AppendLine($"{todoItem.Name}, {todoItem.Fortschritt}");

    await using var destinationFileStream = File.Open("Destination_File_Path", FileMode.Create);
    await using var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(destinationFileStream);
    string fileContent = fileContentBuilder.ToString();
    await streamWriter.WriteAsync(fileContent);


public partial class MainWindow : Window
  private MainViewModel MainVieModel { get; }

  public MainWindow()

    this.MainViewModel = new MainViewModel();
    this.DataContext = this.MainViewModel;
    this.Closing  = SaveDataToFile_OnClosing;

  private async void SaveDataToFile_OnClosing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
    => await this.MainViewModel.SaveDataAsync();


  <ListBox itemsSource="{Binding TodoItems}">

Properties in C# must look like this (pay attention to the proper casing: use camelCase for fields and PascalCase for all other members). Also use nameof to specify the property's name:

private int fortschritt;
public int FortSchritt
  get => this.fortschritt; 
    if (value != this.fortschritt)  
      this.fortschritt = value;
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