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Vb time cycles


 Private Sub Command43_Click () 
On the Error Resume Next

For 2=1 To 2
If CheckApplicationIsRun (" GamePlaza. Exe ")=True Then
The Else
The Shell "rundll32. Exe url. DLL, FileProtocolHandler" & amp; "C: \ Users/Administrator/Desktop/KK. LNK", vbNormalFocus
End the If
Delay of 500
Dim lHwnd As Long
LHwnd=FindWindow (" xDirectUI vbNullString)
SetWindowPos lHwnd HWND_TOPMOST, 241, 156, 959, 558, 0
SetCursorPos 1010, 462
Delay 50
Mouse_event & amp; H2, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button press
Mouse_event & amp; H4, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button pop-up

Delay of 200
Call keybd_event (vbKeyTab, 0, 0, 0)
Call keybd_event (KEYEVENTF_KEYUP vbKeyTab, 0, 0) 'release
Call keybd_event (vbKeyTab, 0, 0, 0)
Call keybd_event (KEYEVENTF_KEYUP vbKeyTab, 0, 0) 'release
Delay 50
The Clipboard. The Clear
Clipboard. SetText (" 123456 Abe ")
Call keybd_event (vbKeyControl, 0, 0, 0)
Call keybd_event (vbKeyV, 0, 0, 0)
Call keybd_event (KEYEVENTF_KEYUP vbKeyV, 0, 0) 'release
Call keybd_event (KEYEVENTF_KEYUP vbKeyControl, 0, 0)
Delay of 200
SetCursorPos 951, 566
Delay 20
Mouse_event & amp; H2, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button press
Mouse_event & amp; H4, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button pop-up

Timer7. Interval=1000
Timer7. Enabled=True
The Do While Timer7. Enabled=True

End Sub

Private Sub Timer7_Timer ()
Dim lHwnd As Long
LHwnd=FindWindow (" CWebWindow vbNullString)
If lHwnd=0 Then
The Else
SetCursorPos. 1099, 165 'August 15
Delay 20
Mouse_event & amp; H2, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button press
Mouse_event & amp; H4, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button pop-up
Timer7. Enabled=False
Timer8. Enabled=True
Timer8. Interval=1000
End the If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer8_Timer ()
Dim lHwnd As Long
LHwnd=FindWindow (" CWebWindow vbNullString)
If lHwnd=0 Then
SetCursorPos 405, 222
Delay 20
Mouse_event & amp; H2, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button press
Mouse_event & amp; H4, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button pop-up
The Else
Dim fHwnd As Long
FHwnd=FindWindow (vbNullString, "script error")
If fHwnd Then SendMessage fHwnd WM_CLOSE, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp;
Loop Until fHwnd=0
Delay of 2000
SetCursorPos 1008, 622
Delay 20
Mouse_event & amp; H2, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button press
Mouse_event & amp; H4, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button pop-up
Delay of 1500
SetCursorPos 1055, 160
Delay 50
Mouse_event & amp; H2, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button press
Mouse_event & amp; H4, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button pop-up
Timer8. Enabled=False
Timer9. Enabled=True
Timer9. Interval=1000
End the If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer9_Timer ()
Dim lHwnd As Long
LHwnd=FindWindow (" CGameClost vbNullString)
If lHwnd=0 Then
SetCursorPos 1205, 77
Delay 50
Mouse_event & amp; H2, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button press
Mouse_event & amp; H4, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button pop-up
The Else
SetCursorPos 543, 449
Delay 50
Mouse_event & amp; H2, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button press
Mouse_event & amp; H4, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button pop-up
Delay of 5100
SetCursorPos. 880, 695 '
Delay 50
Mouse_event & amp; H2, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button press
Mouse_event & amp; H4, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button pop-up
Delay of 1000
SetCursorPos 396, 277
Delay 50
Mouse_event & amp; H2, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button press
Mouse_event & amp; H4, 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; , 0 & amp; 'the left mouse button pop-up
Timer9. Enabled=False
Call Command1_Click 'end game

End the If
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

"Compiler principle" reference of lexical analysis and the finite state automata,

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Problem description?
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