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Web page data into EXCEL spreadsheet, ask for help!


Web data into EXCEL spreadsheet, please grab the code! Haven't learned these knowledge, enthusiastic friends to help, thank you first!

Copy the address: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eRTNr94
Collect web: http://www.17500.cn/pub/sjh.htm

CodePudding user response:


Sub import ()
With HTTP url="http://www.17500.cn/pub/sjh.htm"
Dim XmlHttp As Object, stime, ntime
The Set XmlHttp=CreateObject (" Microsoft. XmlHttp ")
XmlHttp. Open "GET", take the HTTP url, True
XmlHttp. Send
While XmlHttp. ReadyState & lt;> 4


If DateDiff (" s ", stime, ntime) & gt; 3 Then MsgBox "under the network is not very good, try again" : the Exit Sub
Access to remote web source=StrConv (XmlHttp. ResponseBody vbUnicode)
The Set XmlHttp=Nothing

Starting position=InStr (for remote web site source code, "3 d") + 3
End position=InStr (access to remote web site source code, "period of commissioning")
Name=Mid (for remote web site source code, start and end position - starting position)

Starting position=InStr (for remote web site source code, "3 commissioning & lt;/div> & lt; Font color=red> & lt; B>" 29) +
End position=InStr (for remote web site source code, & lt;"/b> & lt;/font> & lt;/a> & lt; A href=https://bbs.csdn.net/pub/sjh.htm ")
Nper=Mid (for remote web site source code, start and end position - starting position)

Cells (7, 8)=stage name
Cells (9, 7)=Mid (nper, 1, 1)
Cells (9, 8)=Mid (nper, 2, 1)
Cells (9, 9)=Mid (nper, 3, 1)
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor qq574221329 response:

Sub import ()
With HTTP url="http://www.17500.cn/pub/sjh.htm"
Dim XmlHttp As Object, stime, ntime
The Set XmlHttp=CreateObject (" Microsoft. XmlHttp ")
XmlHttp. Open "GET", take the HTTP url, True
XmlHttp. Send
While XmlHttp. ReadyState & lt;> 4


If DateDiff (" s ", stime, ntime) & gt; 3 Then MsgBox "under the network is not very good, try again" : the Exit Sub
Access to remote web source=StrConv (XmlHttp. ResponseBody vbUnicode)
The Set XmlHttp=Nothing

Starting position=InStr (for remote web site source code, "3 d") + 3
End position=InStr (access to remote web site source code, "period of commissioning")
Name=Mid (for remote web site source code, start and end position - starting position)

Starting position=InStr (for remote web site source code, "3 commissioning & lt;/div> & lt; Font color=red> & lt; B>" 29) +
End position=InStr (for remote web site source code, & lt;"/b> & lt;/font> & lt;/a> & lt; A href=https://bbs.csdn.net/pub/sjh.htm ")
Nper=Mid (for remote web site source code, start and end position - starting position)

Cells (7, 8)=stage name
Cells (9, 7)=Mid (nper, 1, 1)
Cells (9, 8)=Mid (nper, 2, 1)
Cells (9, 9)=Mid (nper, 3, 1)
End Sub

The teacher hello: this is my own to piece together a way, and you write really that good? Should I use the stable, "thank you! @

CodePudding user response:

 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click () 
Dim Ar $, Arr, url
Url="http://www.17500.cn/pub/sjh.htm" 'link
With CreateObject (" Microsoft. XMLHTTP ")
. Open the "GET", url, False 'to grab the link
. Send
Ar=StrConv (responseBody, vbUnicode) 'transformation format
Ar=Left (Split (Ar, "3 d") (1), 39) 'find commissioning date data
Arr=Split (Ar, "period of commissioning") 'load array
'if? Like rigth (arr (0), 3)=false then the current trial number has not been updated! "" : end
Ar=Right (Arr (1), 3)
[g10: i10]=Array (Val (Left (Ar, 1)), Val (Mid (Ar, 2, 1)), Val (Ar, 1)) (Right) 'fill in the current trial number!
The Close
End With
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Look under the
Which almost
2 l estimate is to use easy language introductory
Actually when variable in Chinese...
Can you behind that can also
Fill to EXCEL spreadsheets.
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