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Transformation of a DataFrame Spark


I want to work with a parquet table with certain types of fields:

name_process: String id_session: String time_write: String key: String value: String

"id_session" is a id for SparkSession.

The table is partitioned by the "name_process" column

For example:

name_process id_session time_write key value
OtherClass sess000001 1639950466114000 schema0.table0.csv Success
OtherClass sess000002 1639950466214000 schema1.table1.csv Success
OtherClass sess000003 1639950466309000 schema0.table0.csv Success
OtherClass sess000003 1639950466310000 schema1.table1.csv Failure
OtherClass sess000003 1639950466311000 schema2.table2.csv Success
OtherClass sess000003 1639950466312000 schema3.table3.csv Success
ExternalClass sess000004 1639950466413000 schema0.table0.csv Success

All values for the "key" column are unique only within one spark session (the "id_session" column). This happens because I work with the same files (csv) every time I start a spark session. I plan to send these files to the server. Both the time of sending and the response from the server will be recorded in the "time_write" and "value" columns. That is, I want to see the latest sending statuses for all csv files.

This is a log for entries that I will interact with. To interact with this log, I want to implement several methods:

enter image description here

All getters methods will return filtered DateFrames with all columns. That is, the result remains 5 columns. I'm still having difficulties with API Spark. It will take some time until I learn how to perform beautiful operations on DataFrames. Here's what my result is:

abstract class ProcessResultBook(processName: String, onlyPartition: Boolean = true)(implicit spark: SparkSession) {

  val pathTable = new File("/src/test/spark-warehouse/test_db.db/test_table").getAbsolutePath
  val path      = new Path(s"$pathTable${if(onlyPartition) s"/name_process=$processName" else ""}").toString
  val df        = spark.read.parquet(path)

  def getLastSession: Dataset[Row] = {
    val lastTime        = df.select(max(col("time_write"))).collect()(0)(0).toString
    val lastSession     = df.select(col("id_session")).where(col("time_write") === lastTime).collect()(0)(0).toString
    val dfByLastSession = df.filter(col("id_session") === lastSession)

 ---------- ---------------- ------------------ ------- 
|id_session|      time_write|               key|  value|
 ---------- ---------------- ------------------ ------- 


  def add(df: DataFrame) = ???
  def add(processName: String, idSession: String, timeWrite: String, key: String, value: String) = ???
  def getSessionsByProcess(processName: String) = ???
  def getBySessionAndProcess(processName: String, idSession: String) = ???
  def getUnique(processName: String) = ???
  def delByTime(time: String) = ???
  def delByIdSession(idSession: String) = ???

  def getCurrentTime: SQLTimestamp    = DateTimeUtils.fromMillis(TimeStamp.getCurrentTime.getTime)
  def convertTime(time: Long): String = TimeStamp.getNtpTime(time).getDate.toString

And I have case class:

case class RowProcessResult(
                              nameProcess: String,
                              idSession: String,
                              timeWrite: String,
                              key: String,
                              value: String

Help to implement 2 methods:

  • def add(data: List[RowProcessResult]): Unit
  • def getUnique(nameProcess: String): DataFrame or List[RowProcessResult]

Method add(..) has been added data collection in hive table.

Method getUnique(nameProcess: String): DataFrame. Returns a DataFrame with all columns for the unique values of the "key" column. For each unique "key" value, the most recent date is selected.

PS.: My test class for create Hive Table:

def createHiveTable(implicit spark: SparkSession) {

  val schema = "test_schema"
  val table = "test_table"
  val partitionName = "name_process"
  val columnNames = "name_process" :: "id_session" :: "time_write" :: "key" :: "value" :: Nil

  spark.sql(s"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test_db")
  //val createTableSql = s"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $schema.$table ($columnNames) PARTITIONED BY $partitionName STORED AS parquet"

  val path = new File(".").getAbsolutePath    "/src/test/data-lineage/test_data_journal.csv"

  val df = spark.read.option("delimiter", ",")
    .option("header", true)




CodePudding user response:

It's been a long time. And i leave my decision this.

import spark.implicits._

  val schema = "test_db"
  val table  = "test_table"
  val df     = spark.read.table(s"$schema.$table").filter(col("name_process") === processName).persist

  def getLastSession: Dataset[Row] = {

    val lastSessionId   = df.select(max(struct(col("time_write"), col("id_session")))("id_session"))
    val dfByLastSession = df.filter(col("id_session") === lastSessionId)

  def add(listRows: Seq[RowProcessResult]) = {

    val df = listRows.toDF().withColumn("name_process", lit(processName))


  def add(nameProcess: String, idSession: String, timeWrite: String, key: String, value: String) = {
    val df = RowProcessResult(idSession, timeWrite, key, value) :: Nil toDF()

  def getSessionsByProcess(externalProcessName: String) = {
    spark.read.table(s"$schema.$table").filter(col("name_process") === externalProcessName)

  def getSession(idSession: String, processName: String = this.processName) = {
    if (processName.equals(this.processName))
      df.filter(col("id_session") === idSession)
      getSessionsByProcess(processName).filter(col("id_session") === idSession)

  def getUnique = df.sort(col("time_write").desc).dropDuplicates("key")

  def addDfToTable(df: DataFrame) =

  def getFullDf = df
  def getCurrentTime = TimeStamp.getCurrentTime
  def convertTime(time: Long): String = TimeStamp.getNtpTime(time).getDate.toString

I can get tolerable solution. This is not bad. Thank you and Happy New Years!! =)

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