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Make right wall of a maze in c


I want to make a maze in C , however I keep running into a problem with the right outer wall. I was wondering if you guys know a way so I can make the outer wall. Ive been trying to work from up to down using \n, but when \n is used the next symbol just goes to the left wall. Thanks in advance!

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>

/* class Maze {
        void makeMaze();
        void Print() const;
        std::vector <std::vector <char>> Maze;
}; */

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    const int WIDTH = 4;
    const int HEIGHT = 4;
    /* std::string seedValue = " ";
    HEIGHT = atoi(argv[1]);
    WIDTH = atoi(argv[2]);
    if (argc > 3) {
        seedValue = argv[3];
    }  */
    // row, column
    std::vector <std::vector <std::string>> Maze (WIDTH   1, std::vector<std::string> (HEIGHT   1));
    // Roof
    for (int column = 0; column < WIDTH; column  ) {   
        Maze[0][column] = " ---";
    // Left Wall
    for (int row = 1; row < HEIGHT   1; row  ) {
        Maze[row][0] = "|\n ";
    // Floor
    for (int i = 1; i < WIDTH   1; i  ) {
        Maze[HEIGHT][i] = "--- ";
    // Right Wall

    // FIXME
    // Print Maze
    for (int i = 0; i < Maze.size(); i  ) {
        for (int j = 0; j < Maze.at(0).size(); j  ) {
            std::cout << Maze[i][j];
        std::cout << std::endl;

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You can keep your current implementation for the most part. The only issue is \n. Do not have any of those, they are not needed and will only give you problems. Your std::cout << std::endl; makes a new line after each row, that's all you need. So, do not include \n in neither the left, nor the right wall

To also "create" the right wall, you can copy what you did for the left wall, but with some minor adjustments:

// Right wall
for (int row = 1; row < HEIGHT   1; row  ) {
    Maze[row][WIDTH] = "|";

Also, what are the pluses for? ( ) You don't have to merge the strings together in order to make it work. Your std::cout << Maze[i][j]; simply adds each string to end of the previous, until you send the endl to make a new line.

So, I would say get rid of the pluses, (unless it is for styling).

The left wall should look like this:

// Left Wall
for (int row = 1; row < HEIGHT   1; row  ) {
    Maze[row][0] = "|";

CodePudding user response:

You may want to treat your printable maze as a matrix of chars instead of strings:

  • You can consider each cell of the maze border having a horizontal fill --- and a vertical fill |, and a cell_width and cell_height.
  • Your maze would be then defined as a matrix of chars sized maze_height * cell_height 1 and maze_width * cell_width 1. That extra one is needed for the right and bottom borders.
  • In order to fill the border, you can define two helper functions, fill_horizontal_border_cell and fill_vertical_border_cell. These functions just copy the contents of the strings horizontal_border_fill and vertical_border_fill respectively to the maze matrix.
  • Finally, you'd need to separately fill the bottom left border corner.
  • All this code should be properly encapsulated into classes (e.g. MazeView for the printable maze, MazeBorderView for the printable maze border, and so on).


#include <iostream>  // cout
#include <string>
#include <vector>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // Border
    const std::string horizontal_border_fill{" ---"};
    const std::string vertical_border_fill{" |"};
    auto cell_width{horizontal_border_fill.size()};
    auto cell_height{vertical_border_fill.size()};

    // Maze
    const size_t maze_width = 6;
    const size_t maze_height = 5;
    std::vector<std::vector<char>> maze(maze_height * cell_height   1,
        std::vector<char>(maze_width * cell_width   1, ' '));  //   1 for the right and bottom borders

    // Fill border
    auto fill_horizontal_border_cell = [&maze, &horizontal_border_fill, &cell_width, &cell_height](size_t row, size_t col) {
        row *= cell_height;
        col *= cell_width;
        for (auto& c : horizontal_border_fill) { maze[row][col  ] = c; }
    auto fill_border_vertical_cell = [&maze, &vertical_border_fill, &cell_width, &cell_height](size_t row, size_t col) {
        row *= cell_height;
        col *= cell_width;
        for (auto& c : vertical_border_fill) { maze[row  ][col] = c; }
    for (size_t col{0}; col < maze_width;   col) {  // horizontal borders
        fill_horizontal_border_cell(0, col);  // top
        fill_horizontal_border_cell(maze_height, col);  // bottom
    for (size_t row{0}; row < maze_height;   row) {  // vertical borders
        fill_border_vertical_cell(row, 0);  // top
        fill_border_vertical_cell(row, maze_width);  // bottom
    maze[maze_height * cell_height][maze_width * cell_width] = horizontal_border_fill[0];  // bottom left border corner
    // Print maze
    for (size_t row{0}; row < maze.size();   row) {
        for (size_t col{0}; col < maze[0].size();   col) {
            std::cout << maze[row][col];
        std::cout << "\n";

// Outputs:
//    --- --- --- --- --- --- 
//   |                       |
//   |                       |
//   |                       |
//   |                       |
//   |                       |
//    --- --- --- --- --- --- 
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