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Value of type 'UIImageView' has no member 'jpegData'


Value of type 'UIImageView' has no member 'jpegData'

Same code is working perfectly in another view controller.Help me Out to get rid of this problem. Here Is the Code....

import UIKit
import Firebase

class SettingTableViewController: UITableViewController, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate & UINavigationControllerDelegate {

    @IBOutlet weak var profileImgView: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet weak var usernameTexfield: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet weak var emailTextfield: UITextField!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        navigationItem.title = "Edit Profile"
    func fetchCurrentUser() {
        Api.User.observeCurrentUser { (user) in
            self.usernameTexfield.text = user.username
            self.emailTextfield.text = user.email
            if let profileUrl = URL(string: user.profileImageUrl!) {
                self.profileImgView.sd_setImage(with: profileUrl)
    @IBAction func SaveButton_TouchUpInside(_ sender: Any) {

        if let profileImg = self.profileImgView, let imageData = profileImg.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.1) {
            AuthService.updateUserInfo(username: usernameTexfield.text!, email: emailTextfield.text!, imageData: imageData, onSuccess: {
            }, one rror: { (errorMaessage) in
    @IBAction func LogOutButton_TouchUpinside(_ sender: Any) {
    @IBAction func EditProfileBtn_TouchUpInside(_ sender: Any) {
        let pickercontroller = UIImagePickerController()
        pickercontroller.delegate = self
        present(pickercontroller, animated: true, completion: nil)
extension SettingTableViewController {
    func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any]) {
        print("did finish picking media")
        if let image = info["UIImagePickerControllerOrignalImage"]
            as? UIImage{
            profileImgView.image =  image
        dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)


CodePudding user response:

Make sure to use the image property of the profileImgView not the profileImgView directly.

So Replace this line if let profileImg = self.profileImgView, let imageData = profileImg.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.1) {

with this

if let profileImg = self.profileImgView.image, let imageData = profileImg.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.1) {

CodePudding user response:

You are only setting profileImgView to profileImg. You have to set profileImageView.image to get this work properly.

Try this code in Save button action:

@IBAction func SaveButton_TouchUpInside(_ sender: Any) {
        if let profileImg = self.profileImgView.image, let imageData = profileImg.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.1) {
            AuthService.updateUserInfo(username: usernameTexfield.text!, email: emailTextfield.text!, imageData: imageData, onSuccess: {
            }, one rror: { (errorMaessage) in

Hope this works.

CodePudding user response:

This Really works.

@M.Ali @TaimoorArif After using Image property The Build Succeed, can you guys check the Edit profile button's code why the image is not uploading. I think there is something that I am missing.

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