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In the word automatically adjust the picture size and add black frame line


1. The application of
Word writing process sometimes need to modify pictures batch size format unification, to modify the time-consuming to each picture, write a small program bulk changes hope of people often need to write a word help,
2. Program
2.1 image resizing
'Sub image format adjustment ()
'image format to adjust macro
Dim number n 'picture

On the Error Resume Next 'ignore Error

For n=1 To ActiveDocument. InlineShapes. Count 'InlineShapes type image

ActiveDocument. InlineShapes (n.) LockAspectRatio=msoFalse 'not lock aspect ratio, important, or it will deformation
ActiveDocument. InlineShapes (n). Height=6.73 * 28.35 'set the picture Height is 260 px, 1 cm=28.35

ActiveDocument. InlineShapes (n.) Width=14.57 * 28.35 'set image Width 413 px

ActiveDocument. InlineShapes (n). Range. ParagraphFormat.=wdAlignParagraphCenter 'Alignment image center

The Next n

'For n=1 To ActiveDocument. Shapes. The Count' S hapes type picture
'ActiveDocument. Shapes (n). Height=400' set the picture Height is 400 px
'ActiveDocument. Shapes (n.) Width=413' set image Width 300 px
'ActiveDocument. InlineShapes (n). Range. ParagraphFormat.=wdAlignParagraphCenter' Alignment image center
'the Next n
End Sub increase to the picture frame
2.2 pictures add black border
Sub increase picture frame ()
'add picture frame macro
Dim oInlineShape As InlineShape
Application. ScreenUpdating=False
For Each oInlineShape In ActiveDocument. InlineShapes
With oInlineShape. Borders
. OutsideLineStyle=wdLineStyleSingle
. OutsideColorIndex=wdColorAutomatic
. OutsideLineWidth=wdLineWidth050pt
End With
Application. ScreenUpdating=True
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Start recording macros in the Word2003, manual, complete the required function end record macros, press Alt + F11 key, check just record macro corresponding VBA code,
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  • VBA
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