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The calculation of contour line fitting and Angle


As shown in figure has the outline of the image are extracted, and now want to two contour fitting line and the Angle of straight line, how should do?

CodePudding user response:

 # include "opencv2/highgui/highgui. HPP" 
# include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc HPP"
# include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c. H"
using namespace std;
Using the namespace CV;
Mat img, smallImg, gray, bw;
VectorVector Contours.
Int threshval=128;
The Rect r;
The Rect maxrect brect;
Int independence idx, n;
Const static Scalar colors [15]={
CV_RGB (0, 0128),
CV_RGB (0128, 0),
CV_RGB (0128128),
CV_RGB (128, 0, 0),
CV_RGB (128, 0128),
CV_RGB (128128, 0),
CV_RGB (128128128),
CV_RGB (160160160),
CV_RGB (0, 0255),
CV_RGB (0255, 0),
CV_RGB (0255255),
CV_RGB (255, 0, 0),
CV_RGB (255, 0255),
CV_RGB (255255, 0),
CV_RGB (255255255),
Scalar color;
Void gamma_correct (Mat& Img, Mat& DST, double gamma) {
Mat temp.
CvMat TMP.

Img. ConvertTo (temp, CV_32FC1, 1.0/255.0, 0.0);
CvPow (& amp; TMP, & amp; TMP, gamma);
Temp. ConvertTo (DST, CV_8UC1, 255.0, 0.0);
Int main () {
CvNamedWindow (" display ", 1);
Img=imread (" image. JPG ", 1);
R.x=img. Cols/10;
R.y=img. Rows/3;
Truly idth=img. Cols * 8/10;
R.h. eight=img. Rows * 2/3;
SmallImg=img (r);
CvtColor (smallImg, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
//medianBlur (gray, gray, 5);
EqualizeHist (gray, gray);
Gamma_correct (gray, gray, 4.0);
Imshow (" display ", gray);

Bw=(gray> Threshval);
Imshow (" display ", bw);

Mat Structure0=getStructuringElement (MORPH_RECT, Size (3, 3));
Erode (bw, bw, Structure0, Point (1, 1));
Mat Structure1=getStructuringElement (MORPH_RECT, Size (6, 6));
Dilate (bw, bw, Structure1, Point (1, 1));
Imshow (" display ", bw);

FindContours (bw, contours, hierarchy, RETR_EXTERNAL CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
if (! Contours. The empty () & amp; & ! Hierarchy. The empty ()) {
Independence idx=0;
Vector Approx.
for (; Idx>=0; Independence idx=hierarchy [independence idx] [0]) {
Color=colors [15] independence idx %;
//drawContours (smallImg, contours, independence idx, color, and 1, 8, hierarchy);
ApproxPolyDP (Mat (contours [independence idx]), approx, arcLength (Mat (contours [independence idx]), true) * 0.005, true);//0.005 will flash straightening coefficient
Const Point * p=& amp; Approx [0].
Int m=(int) approx. The size ();
Polylines (smallImg, & amp; P, & amp; M, 1, true, color);
Circle (smallImg, Point (p [0]. X, p [0]. Y), 3, color);
Circle (smallImg, Point (p [1]. X, p [1]. Y), 2, color);
For (int I=2; IN++;
If (1==n) {
Maxrect=boundingRect (Mat (contours [independence idx]));
} else {
Brect=boundingRect (Mat (contours [independence idx]));
CvRect Mr (maxrect), br (brect);
Maxrect=cvMaxRect (& amp; Mr, & amp; Br);
Circle (smallImg, Point (maxrect. X + maxrect. Width/2, maxrect. Y + maxrect. Height/2), 2, CV_RGB (0, 255));
Imshow (" display ", smallImg);
CvDestroyWindow (" display ");
Return 0;

CodePudding user response:

Hoff line detection to find straight, straight slope calculation

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor SCSJHKXX response:
hoff line detection to find straight, calculate the straight slope

But my this picture is a very irregular curve

CodePudding user response:

I think this kind of demand can convert the relationship between the area and Angle?

CodePudding user response:

thousand words of explanation, than can a compiler running example code,
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