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VB call XMLHTTP post has no return value


Dim postData As String
Dim the url As a String
Dim HttpClient As Object

Url=Trim (Me) Text1) Text) & amp; Trim (Me) Text2) Text) & amp; Format (Now, "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
Url=UCase (md5. Md5 (url, 32))
Url="/2014-06-30/Accounts/" & amp; Trim (Me) Text1) Text) & amp; "/Clients. XML? Sig="& amp; Url
The Set HttpClient=CreateObject (" Microsoft. XMLHTTP ")
HttpClient. Open the "POST", url, True
HttpClient. SetRequestHeader "Host", "api.ucpaas.com"
HttpClient. SetRequestHeader "Accept", "application/XML
"HttpClient. SetRequestHeader "content-type", "text/XML. Charset=utf-8 "
HttpClient. SetRequestHeader "Authorization", Base64 Base64Encode (Trim (Me) Text1) Text) & amp; ":" & amp; The Format (Now, "yyyyMMddHHmmss"))
HttpClient. Send (postData)

The Do While HttpClient. ReadyState & lt;> 4

TextResponse. Text=HttpClient. The ResponseText

CodePudding user response:

You first try your portfolio "URL" direct input IE browser's address bar to access, can access to the web page content,

CodePudding user response:

Have a content, now is the inclusion of time don't know how to write,
POST/2014-06-30/Accounts/e03bc9106c6ed0eaebfce8c368fdcd48/Clients. The XML? Sig=3 c861c9cfa64862a79b906d80edb79ba
Accept: application/XML
The content-type: application/XML. Charset=utf-8
Authorization: ZTAzYmM5MTA2YzZlZDBlYWViZmNlOGMzNjhmZGNkNDg6MjAxNDA2MjMxNzE2MzI=

<? The XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

E462aba25bc6498fa5ada7eefe1401b7 & lt;/appId>
97854038 & lt;/friendlyName>
12345678910 & lt;/mobile>

CodePudding user response:

Above is the interface of XML,,, I want to use VB POST
in the pastNow is & lt; ? The XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

E462aba25bc6498fa5ada7eefe1401b7 & lt;/appId>
97854038 & lt;/friendlyName>
12345678910 & lt;/mobile>
The inclusions don't know how to lo cases

CodePudding user response:

The url you have any question,

Url="/2014-06-30/Accounts/" & amp; Trim (Me) Text1) Text) & amp; "/Clients. XML? Sig="& amp; Url
Url="http://api.ucpaas.com/2014-06-30/Accounts/" & amp; Trim (Me) Text1) Text) & amp; "/Clients. XML? Sig="& amp; Url
Give it a try

CodePudding user response:

I am in the URL
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